Aweber TIP – Repeat an Email Campaign
People tend to scan their email senders and subject lines and never open a lot of them. You can increase the chances that someone will actually see an email using this method to repeat an email campaign. I’m not talking about sending it and then an hour later sending it again. I’m talking about sending […]
Network Marketing CRM – Remember the Milk Reporting
Network Marketers have a couple of issues that nag at them. These can solved with a Network Marketing CRM system, but it must be easy and inexpensive. The two major technical issues are the following: Following up with prospects and customers. Simple systems handle many things, but they really fail at telling you who to […]
Creating Compliant Testimonials About CBD Products
We all use testimonials, but we should all make sure we are using FDA compliant testimonials. The FDA is still working on CBD and it efficacy and dangers. They haven’t really classified it or regulated yet. Thar doesn’t stop them from regulating what we do, The issue is that anything that affiliates or salespeople say […]
Using Remember the Milk as a Network Marketing CRM
Remember the Milk (RTM) can be very powerful Network Marketing CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool. However, before you think CRM, think ToDo List. In a earlier post I have a quick overview and review of Remember the Milk (RTM) as a ToDo list package. It is very powerful and has grown up over time so that it now has almost every feature you might need. I love it.
AWeber Hacks and Tips – Over 30 Awesome Features
21-AWesome-AWeber-Features-and-Tips I recently updated me eBook on AWeber Hacks and Aweber tips. I confess that I didn’t go through every one of the older ones checking that the screens haven’t changed, but I did update most of it and removed some (like adding a Google+ link to your emails). You can download the eBook here: 21 […]
Gearbubble and AWeber – Creating an Email List From POD Products
Gearbubble and AWeber – Gearbubble is one of the few Print On Demand (POD) companies that has an integration with several email providers. Using this integration you can potentially add a new subscriber to your email list every time you sell a product. It doesn’t work quite that way though. The email providers are required […]
Photoshop Elements and POD – Print On Demand Products (like
Photoshop Elements™ is the younger sibling of Photoshop™. While it doesn’t have all of the horsepower, it is easier to use, it is mature, there is a ton of on-line help and it does many things VERY well. I find that it is especially powerful for creating MEMEs (images with words on them) and Print-on-Demand […]
Installing Facebook Retargeting Pixels in Shopify Stores
Installing Facebook Retargeting Pixels in Shopify stores is a task that every Shopify store owner should either do or have done. I like to understand how things are done in my stores and with 40 years of software development behind me I thought that it should be a fairly straightforward task. No such luck. The […]
LinkedIn and Facebook Tip: Don’t Pounce During a Connection Thank You!
Recently I’ve been becoming more active on LinkedIn and in Facebook. As I went through 80 some odd responses that had piled up since I approved a number of connection requests (and made several) I couldn’t help but notice that the majority of the “Connection Thank You” messages where blatant attempts to pounce on the […]
Amazon Marketing Tip: Bloggers! Trade A Discount Code For An Email Address
Attention Bloggers: You can trade A Discount Code for an Email Address! Creating a Pop-Up to trade a discount code for an Email Address shouldn’t be that hard! So I thought “I’d like to trade an email address for a discount coupon – how difficult can it be?” (I know better than to tempt the […]
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