Using Vimeo Videos With Marketing Emails – 2023 Dr. Hale Pringle 2/4/2023 V. 1 Sending marketing emails with Vimeo videos embedded is very powerful. Along with great power usually comes great complexity. I certainly found that to be true in this case. This document started out as a set of notes to myself and then […]
Create a Free Responsive Squeeze Page Using WordPress and AWeber
WordPress and AWeber Sign up Forms usually just don’t play nice with each other. As a result a lot of people have made lots of money designing plugins, frameworks, themes and other solutions. Many of these systems have a ton of features and “you get what you pay for.” However there are times when you […]
Basic WordPress SEO – An Introduction to Page Optimization
Basic WordPress SEO (Search Engine Optimization) seems to have gotten lost in all the super technical geek-speak descriptions on the Internet today. I’m going to start with a simple description, a simple method to get started and a simple way to watch your results. Hopefully you won’t even have to fasten your seat belts for […]
Amazon Search Engines – Why You Only Need One Copy of a Keyword
A lot of Amazon Sellers have questions about the Amazon Search Engines. A lot of what we, as sellers, know is based on inferences gained from knowing how computers work and watching what happens inside Amazon. We don’t REALLY know since we can’t see the code. This is especially relevant right now since on February […]
Using the Athlete WordPress Theme – For Parents With Athletic Children
In this post I am going to assume that you are a parent of an Athletic Child (or two) and you want to set up a website to showcase there experiences. WordPress blog provide the most flexible and powerful way to do this, so I’m going to show you the basics. There are literally hundreds […]
Installing Facebook Retargeting Pixels in Shopify Stores
Installing Facebook Retargeting Pixels in Shopify stores is a task that every Shopify store owner should either do or have done. I like to understand how things are done in my stores and with 40 years of software development behind me I thought that it should be a fairly straightforward task. No such luck. The […]
Getting Started with Facebook Video Ads
Getting Started with Facebook Video Ads Video ads are powerful and Facebook Video Ads have been offered as a service for about a year now. I’m certainlyst no expert, but I thought I’d share some of the things I have discovered and help you get started….
Action Steps for Getting Started With Facebook Retargeting
Action Steps for Getting Started With Facebook Retargeting New to retargeting? The previous post covered the Basic Concepts of Facebook Retargeting. Facebook calls collecting of information about visitors and customers to your Websites creating “Custom Audiences.” You can Promote Posts to these audiences and that is generally called “Retargeting.” Now that we have some of […]
Getting Started With Facebook Retargeting (Custom Audiences)
Getting Started With Facebook Retargeting/Custom Audiences New to retargeting? Let’s ease into it and take a look at just the basic concepts. Retargeting is widely recognized at one of the most powerful and inexpensive ways to advertise. It is also something that many marketers are now doing since it is tough to get your […]
Community – A Critical Element of Internet Marketing Training
Internet Marketing Training And Success Community is a critical element. I had Lightbulb Moment a few days ago: (the second one is a couple of weeks – it must be there new low watt LED lights). Some of you have heard my story and some haven’t. Hear is the short version. When I came on-line […]