Remember the Milk (RTM) can be very powerful Network Marketing CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool. However, before you think CRM, think ToDo List. In a earlier post I have a quick overview and review of Remember the Milk (RTM) as a ToDo list package. It is very powerful and has grown up over time so that it now has almost every feature you might need. I love it.
There is a free version. For $39.99 a year it will synch everything between your smart devices and your desktop. Let’s start with Why Network Marketers Need a CRM…
Why Do Network Marketer’s Need a Customer RelationShip Manager (CRM)?
The main answer is very simple and can be summarized with one word “FOLLOW UP.” Here is a BOLD statement. Every Person you prospect needs a follow up date unless they are the small group you never want to contact. Prospects, Team Members, Customers and people to intend to check back with later ALL need a date when you need to contact them (a Due Date).
A secondary benefit of having a CRM is that it can make keeping track of you DAILY ACTIVITY easier. You can’t directly change the results you have in your business, but you CAN control how much effort you put into your business. For accountability, you really need to record your activity numbers.
If you want to skip the setup steps and go right to the section on USING REMEMBER THE MILK AS A CRM TOOL, Click Here.
Contents of the Several Other Posts About Remember the Milk
In this article I will go over how I am using Remember the Milk as a Network Marketing CRM to prospect for a customers and team members in Network Marketing Company
Remember The Milk wasn’t designed to be a CRM tool, but it handles the “Customer Relationship” tasks very well. You have to cheat a little to get meaningful reports, but so far it has worked very well for me.
This Article has three parts. You only need to read the first part if you are bulk moving leads from an Autoresponder (like Aweber). That article is here: This article covers setting up Remember the Milk to act as a NETWORK MARKETING CRM tool and actually suing it. The third part covers the critical activity of collecting information so that you can track you activities. You must know what you are actually doing if you want to improve. You can read the NETWORK MARKETING CRM Reporting article here
Our first step is to create a set of lists. We will move prospects from one list to the next as they move through our process. This part could be done with sticky notes, 3×5 cards, Trello or a number of other systems. What those systems can’t do is assign Due Dates and tell us when it is time to take action on a prospect. They can’t generate daily activity reports either.
I’m using a slight modification of a system taught by Frazer Brookes. Here are the Lists that we need to set up in order to make our Network Marketing CRM work. Note I have numbered the lists in order to have Remember the Milk sort them in the order I want. I am going to move prospects from one list to another and they move though my prospecting process.. The arrow shows where you click to add a new list.
Note: Each List Names here ends with “[P]”. This lets me set rules in the Reporting System that ONLY counts prospects in these Prospecting Lists. If I want to set up another set of lists for Moving Team Members through a series of steps or customers through a series or steps the rules won’t count them.
- 1 – FAM- All New Prospects – No Response Yet [P] – this is a list where I add all NEW prospects:
* new prospects (some people call them “suspects”) I sent a friend requests to.
* Old Facebook friends that I sent a new message to trying to initiate a conversation
*People who ask to friend me If I accept, I send them a message like “Hey Judy, It is great to connect with you here on Facebook. What’s up with you?” – I initiated the conversation, so I am in charge.
*Facebook friends I sent a Happy Birthday message (only those that I haven’t already prospected). I usually send these the day after their Birthday with a “Sorry I missed your birthday. Did you have a fantastic day?” message. (As taught by Frazer, I have a funny video where I lip-synced Alvin and the Chipmunks singing Happy Birthday. I include that as a “smile” for missing their birthday.)
* People I send a Facebook Friendiversary Message.
Sidebar: FAM stands for Find a new Facebook Friend, Add them as a friend and Message them. For active prospecting this is probably the most critical activity you can do. Prospects are moved to this list when I initially send them a friend request. There are a ton of scripts available. If you would like to see some message me.
Sidebar: You messages should always end with a question. You want them to engage and the chances are much higher if you ask them to respond with a question.
Note: I leave people here if I am sending them “Nudge: message/ A Nudge is a message I send if I sent a message and they haven’t answered after a week or so. After another week or so I will assume they are not interested and move them to list 8 Not Interest Check back later. I add to the person’s description line to indicate I nudged and change the Due Date. This activity will get reported as part of my Follow Up activity. - 2. FAM Talking to -I have Not Asked the Question [P] – Once a prospect has responded to one of my messages we are in an active conversation and I move them to this List. As soon as I ask if they are interested in my business or product (“Asked the question”), they are moved to another list – usually the next one.
- 3 – Asked The Question [P]– Building relationships is critical in a Network Marketing business. At some point you need to ask the person if they are open to looking at your product or your business. (That is “asking THE question.”)
- 4 – Used Tool (ATM Group, Video, etc.) [P]– The preferred tool these days appears to be Add/Tag/Message (ATM) groups. You friend a person, talk to them and at some point ask if it okay if you add them to a group that will answer a ton of their questions. Then you Add the Person to the Group, Tag them in a comment under a video or post that is most suited for their needs and then you Message them to continue the process of making a sale or signing up a new partner. Your tool of choice will depend upon your company. It might be an ATM group, a company provided overview page, a recorded video, a house meeting, a hotel meeting, a Zoom call or something else.
- 5. Follow-ups [P] – These are people I am actively talking to after they have seen some information about my business or product. I have been using Frazer’s acronym LORD (Location, Occupation, Recreation, Dream). I have also used the more traditional FORM or FORD (Family, Occupation, Recreation and Message or Dream).
- 6. YES –Team Members [P]- people who sign up with my company
- 7. YES –Customers [P]- active customers I need to follow up with
- 8. NOs -Not Interested – Check Back Later [P]- Message them or email them later (3 or 6 months)
- 9. NOs -Don’t Check Back – I Am NOT interested [P]- hostile people or others that I don’t really want on my team. I leave them in the system so I can be reminded if they show up later somewhere.
- 10. Crossline Contacts – A place to store contact information and notes about other members of my opportunity. (Note: this list does NOT have the “[P]” at the end. The List does NOT contain my prospects.)
- Personal – These are normal to-do Item that I want to show up in my daily lists of tasks to-do. (This ist does not have “[P]” either.)
The active prospecting process I use (as taught by many of the online recruiting trainers) is to move prospects through a process that I will show a little later. This movement is mirrored by moving them through my Lists.
Setting Up Several System Defaults
Checking back after you have sent a message is a critical part of this process. If you don’t check back, prospects will slip through the cracks. I usually give prospects a week to respond to one of my messages. After that I look at their profile and the MESSAGE button. You can see the date when they saw your message. Some messages with people who were not friends can end up in Facebook’s alternate inbox (which most people don’t exists or know about it and never check it). I usually give them a nudge message and then set the Due Date out another week to see if they respond. (If there is still no response I send an “Okay, I’ll cross you off my list and check back later.” message and move them to list “8 -NOS -Not Interested, Check back Later” and set the Due Date to 6 months out.)
Be default Remember the Milk does not set a Due Date when you create a new Task (For us that is adding a new prospect). I would like to set a default due date and if I forget I’d like Remember the Milk to set something other than NEVER as the Due Date. It would be nice to set the default as one week (but I can’t) When I add a new prospect, if they haven’t answered or accepted the friend request after a week, I usually nudge them with one more short “Is everything okay?” message.
#1 – Click on the Gear Icon at the extreme to left of the browser window.
#2 – Click on Account Settings.
#1 – Click on GENERAL settings
#2 – While I would rather that this default be a week or so (I am adding new “Friends” and I want to give them some time to respond”), but Remember the Milk does not let us choose that option. At least by setting TODAY as the due date, I will be reminded to set it further out if I forget to add a “1 Week” to the line when I add a new Prospect. (It will go OVER DUE very quickly.)
#3 – Let’s set the default SORT VALUE for our lists as “Due Date” (We want the prospects we are scheduled to contact today to be at the top of the list.)
#4 – I’m turning off REPEATS since that makes no sense for a Prospect. (You can activate a REPEAT for any list you create. This just removes it from the DEFAULT list.)
#5 – I also like the URL item to show. This where we store emails or websites if we have them. (Phone number are just added to the description line along with the prospect’s name).
#6 Click the SAVE SETTINGS BUTTON (not shown.)
Note: You can turn any of these back on for a particular TASK if you need it.
There are Three or Four Ways to Have Our Network Marketing CRM Give Us Tracking Counts
Tracking your activity is very important. You need to be able to hold yourself accountable for your activity. If we were using an expensive,Full Featured CRM, for our Network Marketing CRM, we could generate reports. Remember the Milk does not have a section labeled REPORTS, but we can get the numbers we need. You can’t directly control your results in your business, but you can control your activity. the Advanced Search and/or Smart Lists help us by providing counts of our various activities. All of this is covered in another post. You can read it here/
NOTE: Remember the Milk was designed as To-Do List tool. In most ToDo tools, you check off a task when it is completed and the task disappears from the active list. When we use Remember the Milk as a Network Marketing CRM, we do not “Complete” people. Instead we move them from List to List as they move through our process. They end up in one of four Lists: 1) Customers, 2) Team Members, 3) Not Interested – check back later, or 4) Not Interested – I don’t Want To Work With.
Tools for Your Network Marketing CRM
- I use a Chrome Extension called “Tab Suspender (memory saver).” What I am showing you here opens a lot of tabs and the extension really helps reduce memory usage.
- I use a small free program called QuickTextPaste. This allows me to store common message or links that I use often and retrieve them quickly. (Coming soon will be a post about QuickTextPaste).
We are Finished with the Preparation – Now Let’s See Remember the Milk in Action as a Network Marketing CRM
The Process of Moving People Through the Lists
I an going to start with an example and then we will go through a full Daily Method of Operation (DMO) that Remember the Milk can help use with.
Adding a Person (Task)
The first step in our Network Marketing CRM is to add prospects to the system When I first wrote this article we were doing scheduling phone calls. There is another article the goes into great detail about moving people from an Autoresponder like Aweber to Remember the Milk. We were getting leads from squeeze pages and Lead Magnets. The format was NAME Phone Number, State, date-to-call, and email address as a URL (Something like Mailto:// The STATE is part of the Task Name to let you understand quickly which time zone a person is in.
Today I use Facebook Messenger for most of my contacts. I put them in the 1 -FAM -All New Prospects – No Response Yet [P] List until they have responded to my message.
I select the LIST I want the person in and then copy/paste their name from Facebook. The format is a) their name on Facebook b) followed by their phone number or email if I have it (I usually don’t), c) some info and a short message to myself about where they are in the process and d) the Due Date when I want to contact the person next. (Optionally I can add an explanation point and that sets the prospect as a High Priority prospect.)
The format of the name and the date I want to remind myself to contact them are the two critical pieces. The Name is important since I will copy/paste from Remember the Milk to the Facebook Search bar later. If the name is exactly the same as it is in facebook, the search will take me to the proper person to message. The Due Date is important since on that date, I will go down all of the people I need to contact and send them message, email them or call them. If there is no date, the person could slip between the cracks. Note that Remember the Milk recognizes words like “Monday” or “Tomorrow” or “1 Week” as dates and will convert those words to month/day/year.
EXAMPLE of Our Network Marketing CRM – Adam Smith in Facebook
Sent Friend Request and a Message –Here I am at the point where I sent Adam smith a Friend Request and sent him a message. I copy the name from Facebook so I can Paste exactly the correct name into Remember the Milk. this will make sure that the name is perfect when I copy/paste it back into Facebook later. I will do that when I need to find the person and message them.
ADDING A Prospect (TASK) in Remember the Milk
#1 – I click on the LIST I want to start the person in. It will usually be the . Sent Friend Request List
#2 – This shows I got the right list
#3 – This field will say “Add Task” before I type or Paste into it- I Paste the Prospect’s Name first
#4 – I type an abbreviated message to remind me where my prospect is in the process. There is a NOTES field I can use if I have lots of information about the prospect. In this case the 77 means we have 77 friends in common.
#5 – Orlando is where this person list. Since I live in the same area, I can use the 77 friends in common and the fact that we live in Central Florida as points of common interests when I message Adam.
#6 – “Great Pause” is a note to myself about the message I sent the person. In this case I would have used the 77 people we have in common, the fact that we both live in Central Florida and used that in a message that ended with “How are you doing during this “Great Pause”?
#7 – I enter “1 Week” that will become a date when I expect to check back to see if the prospect has taken some action and I missed it. Alternative;y it is the time when I need to send a second message – what I call a “nudge” message..
Later When I Want to Use My Network Marketing CRM to Message the Prospect
#1 – Click on the person you want to message in Facebook.
#2 – Highlight their name and do a Ctrl-C (or Cmd-C)
Open Facebook and Paste the name into the Facebook Search bar and press Enter.
Later when the Due Date rolls around, Remember the Milk will tell me that I need to check Adam’s profile today. I copy the name from Remember the Milk and Paste it into the Facebook Search Bar. This search will take me to the correct person so I can check their profile and send them a message. I’ll go over this again a little further down.
NOTE: I use Facebook’s Right-Click “Open in a New Tab” option a lot when I’m working this system.
Processing The Tasks Due TODAY
Having a place to store prospect data is a critical part of any Network Marketing CRM and Remember the Milk does that very well. However, the real power of using Remember the Milk as a Network Marketing CRM is that you can see everyone who needs to be dealt with TODAY. That is one of the hardest thing to keep track of using most super simple systems.
#1 – This number shows all of the tasks due today. Is a tally of all of my different lists.
#2 – I click on one list
#3 – This shows when each person’s next Due Date is.
#4 – At the top of the screen it tells me how many tasks I have due today
#5- Over on the right the word “today” indicates which ones are due today in this List.
Before I start sending messages (or making calls) I usually Click on one particular LIST. In the screen capture above, it is set to “2 Talking to -Active Conversations -All Prospects who responded -Not Asked Question”. You don’t have to do it this way, but it helps me to choose one LIST and get my head into those calls/messages. Once I finish one List, I more to another. At the end I look at the DUE TODAY count in the upper left corner to make sure I didn’t miss something.
Sorting the lists by Date
I want all of the people I need to contact today at the top of the list so I don’t have to scroll through dozens of names to find the one I need to work on.
#1 – Note the little gear icon.
#2 – You can choose to sort the list by due date. That will put all of today’s activities at the top of the list. We set this in the System Defaults, but we can also set it here.
If I am making a phone call, I copy and paste the phone number into Skype and make the call. The state (.e.g. TX in the sample) tells me the time zone. I look at RTM’s Notes before I make the call. Being able to talk to prospects about something that was mentioned in the last conversation gives you a massive credibility boost. I click on the task so that I am looking at all of the options for that one person.
#1 – The LIST I am working on
#2 – This is the task description – Often I use just this to tell me what I need to know about the prospect. There is a NOTES section if I need more room for additional information.
#3 – The Due Date – This is a very powerful feature and I describe it below.
#4 – Here is where I can move Adam to Another List
#5 – Tags – you can use these in a lot of different ways. For example, you might create a tag for people you found using a particular technique or message. Later you can look at all the people with that tag and see what the result were. Currently I have two tags that I use to tell myself which ATM groups I added a person ti]o. ATM-BIZ tells me I added them to the business ATM group. ATN-PRD tells me I added them to the Product ATM group.
#6 – You can create sub-tasks for a person. I don’t use these now as much as I used to.
#7 – Here is where I can keep detailed notes about the person and the conversations we have had.
NOTE: It is very important that you add a DUE DATE to each person you add. That way when you look at what is due today, the person will show up. People without a due date can easily slip through the cracks.
Without the date, the power of using Remember the Milk as a Network Marketing CRM tool is severely limited.
Based on what happens during my interaction with Adam, I can take several different actions.
- I might add a little more to the task description if the info I have doesn’t need a full NOTE.
- I might modify the Due Date. This is one of my favorite parts of Remember the Milk. I’ll talk about this shortly
- I will very likely move Adam to a different List as he moves through the prospecting process.
- I might add a tag
- I might add or edit the NOTES if I have a conversation and find out more details about Adam and his family, his issues, his dreams, etc.
Adding or Changing a Due Date
#1 To change or add a date, I click on the pencil icon besite the DUE fields. — Note I can enter things like “6 Months” or “5 Weeks” and Remember the Milk will convert that into a date.
#2 – Note that as I enter the words “6 Months”, Remember the Milk recognizes it (at about “6 Mon”) and shows me what that date will be.
#3 – There are also other options I can select, like Tomorrow or Friday.
When I hover the mouse over the Due Date Field, I will see a pencil icon. This is the EDIT symbol. When I click this, the list appears.
It is also interesting that when I create a new task I can put “Wednesday” or “Tomorrow” in the task name and Remember the Milk will turn that into a Due Date
Changing Which List Adam Belongs TO
#1 – When I hover over the LIST there will be a pencil – the EDIT icon. When you click it, the lists appears.
#2 – The image shows me indicating that I have messaged Adam asking him if he is interested in my business or one of my products. One I have done that I move Adam to that list.
NOTE: Be sure to the change the DUE DATE first. If you change the LIST first, the person will be instantly moved to that list and you will need to go find them to change the date.
When I am finished with Adam, I can click “CLOSE X” link to get back to the list can close the single person edit screen.
SIDEBAR 1- – Bulk Changing Fields Like The Due Date
Often I add several People at one time, or message several people at one time. Raather than setting the Due Date for each one as I go along, I can make Bulk chnages
First you put a check mark beside each person, you want to change.
#1 – Check Mark the Prospects you want to change
#2 = Click the three dot menu
#3- Click on Bulk Update
#1 – Choose a field to change – We are changing DUE DATE
#2 – Pick a value I am going to wait a week before I nudge the person with another message
#3 – Click the Update Button
Sidebar 2 – Getting More Detailed Info on One Person
#1 – Click on one Person.
#2 – That person’s Information will open up over on the right side.
#3 – Click the Three small dots
#4 – Now you can see when the prospect was added to Remember the Milk and the date they were last update and how many times you have postponed the Due Date.
Sidebar 3 – You can set Priorities to move some Prospects to the top of the list
#1 – The RED bar on the side indicates that this Prospect is a priority 1. All Priority 1’s are moved to the top of the group that are due on a selected day.
#2 – Click on the Exclamation Point Icone to see the “Set Priority” Menu. (BTW If you include an exclamation point on the task line when you originally add a task / prospect, that also turns the Priority 1 Flag on.)
#3 – Click here to set the prospect as a Priority 1.
#4 – There is a RED Bar on the Details Screen that also indicates this task / prospect is a priority.
One last Sidebar – I mention a “Nudge” message a couple of times – what is it?
These are very small messages, like “Is everything okay?” My original message to them might have gone in the secondary inbox of they may have just missed it. If they don’t respond to that message either, I usually out them in the 8 Check Back Later” list and set the Due Date for 6 months or more.
The ADD’TAG/MESSAGE (ATM) has one tricky part. (Note: You must be friends with the prospect for this to work.) First you ADD a person to one of your ATM Groups. These days that means inviting them to join. You can’t TAG them in a comment on a post or video that you think they would really resonate with until they have accepted the invitation. You can MESSAGE them asking them to let know when they accept your invitation, but they often forget.
In my experience Facebook doesn’t always notify my when someone accepts the invitation to join a group,
Here is how I handle that.
- I invite them to join an ATM group (either one focused on the products or one focused on the business or both)
- I edit their task line to tell me which group I invited them to join.
- I move them to LIST 4. Added to ATM Group
- I set the due date for tomorrow
- The next day I search the members list in the group to see if they are a member. If not I bump the due date one more day. If they still haven;t accepted I message the prospect to check up on them.
- If they are a member I add a comment under the post or video I would like them to watch and write a comment welcoming them and I TAG them.
- I Add a TAG in Remember the Milk. I have a tag named “ATM-BIZ” and another called “ATM-PRD”.
- When I look at the list in REMEMBER the Milk I know that I don’t need to search the member list for prospects that have these tags.
- Now it is time to Message them and asked what they liked best and set up an appointment for a Closing Zoom Call.
Daily Method of Operation Tasks and Our Network Marketing CRM
There are six main tasks I am going to carry out every day and our Network Marketing CRM is going to help us do them.
- Respond to Prospects who have messaged us. It is very important that we respond in a timely manner.
- Respond to friend requests.
- FAM – Find/Add/Message new prospects (sending messages to old friends we haven’t messaged in a long time (or ever.)
- Process existing prospects in Remember the Milk that have a Due Date of Today (or are overdue.)
- Send Happy Birthday Messages I also might do Friendaversaries.
- Collect counts and update tracking Sheet
DMO STEP 1 – Responding to New Messages You Have Received in Facebook – Using our Network Marketing CRM
Originally I used the small icon t the top of every facebook Page to check for return message from prospects, customers and team members I had messaged.
When I am talking to 10 or 15 people in one day I found I was missing too many messages. They would get pushed down the list so far that unless I really thought about it, I wouldn’t scroll far enough to find them. Fortunately there is a better way.
First you click on the HOME Link at the top of a Facebook Page.
Then you click on the MESSENGER menu option is the right column.
#1 – Finally you click on the gear icon and
#2 – Restrict the the of chats to just those that you haven’t read.
Now the left hand column will contain just those messages that you haven;t read yet.
#1 – On the left are all my unread messages
#2 – I could respond to the message right here
#3 – What I usually do instead is right click the link on the right and “Open in a new Tab”
#1 – This where I Right Click
#2 – This menu is where I find the “Open in a new tab” option
#1 – This tab contains my list of unread messages
#2 – This the person I am responding to right now.
#3 – One of the main reasons I open this tab is so that I can copy (as in copy/paste), this name. The previous screen has the person’s name in two places, but both are very difficult to copy.
The second reason I open a new tab for each person I respond to is so that I can look at their FRIENDS Page and “ABOUT” page. I also le at their Timeline to see if this is someone I want work with. People who are to politically radical may not be my best prospects.
The third reason is so that by having new people in their own tab I do not have to recreate the tab with my unread chats. Since I always work on a different tab, the original tab is undisturbed (except for the chats that disappear when you open them and read them.)
NOTE: I often look through the friends I have in common with someone. For several years I attended trainings by one major expert. When I see a lot of common friends from that time, I can be pretty sure the prospect was also active in these workshops. I was also active in a Network Marketing company for several years. If I see lots of friends in common from that MLM, I can be pretty sure that the prospect was also in that MLM. Often I will also recognize people from Central Florida. I fourth group I often see is people from my High School Graduation Class. Sometimes there are old messages that will help me identify when and why I friended someone years ago. All of these give me things I have in common with the prospect and I can use these when I am messaging.
#1 – If I think this person might already be in my active list, I can paste the name in the remember the Milk Search Bar and take a look.
#2 – If I searched for Adam Smith I would find that he is already there. I can edit his entry and change the due date or move him to a new list.
#1 – If this is a new person, I can click on the appropriate list on the left
Then I Paste the name into the New Task textbox and add a message to myself about where Adam is in the process and enter a due date.
I process each of the new messages this way.
#2 – In this case Adam is there. The Due Date is today, but that is just chance.
#3 – This is the editable message. I can add to it or change it here. This is the easiest place to copy/paste the name.
#4 = THis CLOSE X link is where I can close Adam’s information page and return to the whole List.
#5 – This where I can change his Due Date
#6 – This where I can change which List Adam is in.
Wrapping Up Step 1
I close all of the Facebook tabs except one. If I am doing a manual count of my activity. I will count and record the number of tabs before I close them.
DMO Step 2 Responding to New Friend Requests — Using our Network Marketing CRM
- You check out if you want to accept the friend request
- You either delete the request or accept it.
- If you Accept it. Send a message like “Hey John. Great to connect with you here on Facebook, What;s up with you?
- Add the new person just like we did in the previous example.
Wrapping up after Step 2
Again I delete all but one of the open Facebook Tabs.
DMO Step 3 – Adding New Friends and Messaging Old Friends You Haven’t Talked to in a Long Time – Using our Network Marketing CRM
Now it is time to Invite New Friends and Message them (FAM). Alternatively I can find friends I haven’t talked to in a long time and message them. (Tip: Go to the Facebook Page of a major player in a parts of your life. Look at the friends you have in common. There is a good chance the friends were also active in that part of your life. It gives you something you have in common with the prospect that you can use in your messages.)
Another activity is sending Happy Birthday messages (Doing it a day late with a “SORRY I missed it” type message gets more responses that you can use to start conversations.)
Wrapping up after Step 3
Again I delete all but one of the open Facebook Tabs.
DMO STEP 4 – Going Through Remember the MILK To Followup With The Active Prospects – Using our Network Marketing CRM
Once I have responded to all of the new messages, I take care of the activities that I need to do TODAY.
- I select the person who has TODAY (or an overdue date if I am behind)and click on their row. This brings up the additional information for that one person.
- I copy their name into the Clipboard
Here I have clicked on Adam Smith’s line and his detailed information appears. I highlighted his name (which I originally pasted from Facebook) and press CTRL-C or used one of the other methods to copy his name into the clipboard.
#! – I open a Facebook tab and paste Adams’s name into the Search field.
#2 – I press ENTER or click on the magnifying glass to find Adam
#3 – Here is the Adam Smith I am friends with (or following)
#4 – I right click on his name and choose “Open in a New Tab”
#1 – I click on the new tab and on I’m Adam’s Page
#2 – Now I can click on the MESSAGE Button and see what I need to do. I might see he hasn’t seen my last message or that he saw it and didn’t respond. In either of those two cases I look at how long ago my message was sent and if it was seen or not. After a week or so I’ll send a message like “Okay Adam. I’ll cross you off my list for now and get back to you in a few months.”
If they responded to my last message I handle that response and message them back.
Once I’ve finished on Adam’s page, I go back to Remember the Milk.
#1 – I update the title line – in this case I say “Replied – didn’t see” (That is my shorthand for “I replied to his message, but there isn’t a “Seen date” when i look at his message.
#2 – In this case I would change the date to give him a little more time.
#3 – I might change him to another list.
Two Special Notes where processing through the Lists in Remember the Milk for Due Date of Today.
List 1 – Special Note: If the prospect hasn’t responded after a week and you start to send additional messages and change the Due Date, go ahead and mov the Prospect to List 2. That will give you credit for having done a follow up when you run the reports.
List 8 Check Back Months Later [P]- When these Due Dates start to trigger and you send “Just checking back to see if things have changed” message, go ahead an move the person to the Follow Ups List. That gives you credit for having done a follow up when you run the reports.
Wrapping up after Step 4
Again I delete all but one of the open Facebook Tabs.
DMO Step 5- Sending Happy Birthday and/or Friendiversary Messages – Using our Network Marketing CRM
Now we will sent Happy Birthday Messages. Sending them a day or two late with a S”Sorry I missed… ” is more likely to get a response than being one of many on the actual Birth Day.
#1 – Click on the HOME Linkat the top o Facebook
#2 – Click on Events (you may have to click on a “more..” link to get to the Events Link)
Click on Birthdays at the left.
#1 – There is a Recent Birthdays list below
#2 – There are more birthdays over here.
Right click on each one to see their profile and look at the messages you have sent this person in the past. If this is someone you haven’t talked to in a while, add them just like you do ther New Prospects.
Wrapping up after Step 5
Again I delete all but one of the open Facebook Tabs.
Network Marketing CRM- Step 6 – Moving Your Activity Counts into Your Activity Tracker.
The last step is to do the Advanced Searches or click on the Smart Lists and transfer today’s numbers to your Activity Tracking Sheet. That step is covered in another post : Remember the Milk Reporting.
(Here is an article about using a Google Spreadsheet – one that you can copy from mine – to track your activity. Network Marketing Activity Tracking .)
I add “Mailto:” in from of the email address in the URL field. When I double click the email address my email opens and I can send the email; Again I use the notes and tags to mark what email I sent;
Note: You may have to tell windows what you default email client is, Windows defaults to Outlook which I don’t use. Google for “Setting the default email client is Windows” for current instructions. I set mine to Google Chrome and Gmail pops up when I click on an email address.
Working with a Lead Later
Set the date for when you want to contact the person again. Use the notes to tell yourself what you need to do on that date.
DAILY Emails From Remember the Milk
Remember the Milk sends an email every day showing all of the tasks that are due today.
The Search Function
One nice feature of Remember the Milk is the SEARCH feature. Enter a word or two and presto, there is the person you are looking for. You don’t have to know what LIST they are in and go browse through that list. This is a VERY useful tool.
While This Has Focused on Desktop, You can run Your Network Marketing CRM on Smart Phones and Tablets
SUMMARY of Remember the Milk as a Network Marketing CRM.
- We looked at the LISTS we need to use the FAM method of prospecting.
- Step 1 – We responded to to message that people sent to us.
- Step 2 – We covered handling Friend Requests
- Step 3 – We covered FAM (Finding/adding and messaging) New Friends (or sending messages to current friends you haven’t talked to in a long time)
- Step 4 – We covered going through the Lists in Remember the Milk and Processing prospects who had a follow-up activity scheduled for today
- Step 5 – We covered sending Happy Birthday messages.
- We added people to the lists.
- The next step was to process the new leads and put them in the proper LIST.
- Steo 6- Collecting Activity data is the next step, but that is covered in another post.
- I also talked about sending emails.
- We also mentioned that Remember the Milk send a daily emails with the tasks that are due today.
- We also mentioned the SEARCH feature.
- Remember that Remember the Milk works on all kinds of devices and they synch their data. You can enter information on your phone later see it on your desktop.
- We saw a couple of Android Screenshots
There are lots of other things I can do with RTM. This just scratches the surface, but it is a pretty good scratch 🙂
Remember the Milk was not designed to be a CRM tool, but it works as a Network Marketing CRM pretty well.
Until next time, you have a Great Day! Oh Hale Yes! 🙂
↓ ↓ If this post gave you some ideas – Go ahead & comment below. ↓ ↓
Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!
Skype hale.pringle
Message me:
Connect with me on Facebook or Twitter
I pick an individual and snap on the tag for a specific source. RTM will give me everybody with that Tag. I can see all passages – their labels, their name, their telephone number and so on.. This lets me tally triumphs and awful prompts rate the source. This is basic for working leads from various sources. Note that you truly need to label leads as you oblige “your” arrangement of labels. In the event that you don’t, you’ll have to go down and take a gander at the notes for every individual and label them when you are prepared to report.