Resources (Most are Free)
Check out these mostly FREE Reports and eBooks by Dr. Hale I wrote most of these. The few that I did not write were I either heavily modified or felt that they were very worthwhile as is.
Free – Convert Your LinkedIn Profile into a Sales Page –
LinkedIn is a GREAT source for Network Marketing prospects and customers, however you don’t need a “Resume” profile, you need a Sales Page. Here is a checklist of places you can use to create that Sales Page.
Free – Significant Passive Income Changes Lives. Here are 35 programs. –
Only one requires “No Time” and almost “No Money” to create a SIGNIFICANT Passive Income.
Free – 40+ Place to Leave Your Link on Social Media –
You have a Link you want people to see. It might be a Lead Magnet or a Network Marketing Company Overview, where can you place your Link. Here are more than 45 places.
Free – Free Report on Sources for FREE Images
Where to Find Free Images (especially free for commercial use)
Images online. In certain cases you can be sued for copyright
infringement if you use some else’s image. These are sources that
offer “Free to use” Images.
Free – Free Special Purpose Fonts you can use Legally -
There are a number of posts and artticles about “Great Fonts for ???”. When you read the articles you find that each font is “Free for Personal Use,” so the articles are just Sales Pages for fonts. These fonts are free for commercial use and a ZIP file is included with all of the fonts described.
Free – 9 Surefire Steps to Successfully Prospecting Online
This eBook shows you STEP-By-STEP
how to connect with the right people and
\actively prospecting online. (look for a new version soon)
FREE – Create a Facebook Business Page for Network Marketers
Version 1 – Goes over creating a page (using to get a cover image made) and creating advertising accounts.
FREE – 25 Ways to Find YOUR Niche –
25 different ways to brain storm for the perfect niche for you. Includes a set of questions that will help you determine if a niche is viable.
FREE – 7 Mistakes New Bloggers Make –
New bloggers fall into the same traps over and over. Learn what they are so YOU can avoid them.
Aweber For Network Marketers ($24.95)–
A Step-by-step introduction to the Aweber Autoresponder system. Internet Marketers, including Network Marketers must
“Build their list of subscribers” and Aweber is the company of choice for at least half of the marketers. Aweber is one of the few companies who ae Network Marketer friendly.
Free – AWeber Magic –
21 Awesome Aweber features and tips that will leave you saying “I didn’t know Aweber
could do THAT!” Build your list faster with these seldom seen additions to your Aweber arsenal.
Free – Becoming an Attraction Marketer- Phase 1
Attraction Marketers go through three distinct
Phases. Phase 1 is deciding upon the niche
and Unique Selling Proposition and what they
plan to sell
FREE – Beginner’s Guide to Copywriting
Forget what you learned about writing in High School and College. Copywriting has it’s own rules. This short eBook with help you get started.
FREE – Blog Look and Feel Checklist –
Hidden rules that top bloggers usually follow when they design their blog. A top blogging instructor’s “hot seat” criteria revealed.
FREE Create an eBook in 30 Minutes or less
Take your long blog post that you worked so
hard on and create an eBook/eReport in
minutes. Re-purpose your work/
FREE – Expert Blogger’s Traffic Advice –
Listen!! Top Network Marketing Bloggers tell you what they do to attract people to their blog.
The job is NOT done when you press Publish!
FREE – Explode Your Keywords –
Version 2 – Uses Google Keyword Planner and a new
Free Keyword Tool. Step by Step instructions on how to find
thousands of potentially relevant keywords
and sift through to to find the ones you can
potentially rank with.
FREE – Find Customers on Twitter
Loren Ridinger show exactly how she find, engages and closes customers on Twitter – one at a time.
FREE- Find FREE Images for your Blog
Your blog posts NEED images. The Google SEO criteria expect them and you readers are much more engaged when you have them. Finding free images helps the beginning budget. Over a dozen sites are listed, along with search engines that specialize in searching across multiple free sites.
FREE – Free Tools for Internet Marketers –
Over 40 free tools to make your Internet Marketing tasks easier.
FREE – Internet Marketing Tools You SHOULD purchase. –
Some tools are just worth the price. This is my list of MUST HAVE tools.
FREE – LinkedIn Ranking (Page One in Minutes):
The SECRET to drastically improving your ranking in LinkedIn in minutes revealed! Five easy steps that you can do in minutes. See the results as soon as you are done! Amazing!
FREE – Webinar Ignition: Quick Start –
If you ever wanted to host your own Webinars, but didn’t want to
commit to paying the monthly fee required by the “Big Boys,” try this.
This free eBook compares the Webinar Ignition Plugin with GotoWebinar
and gives you a screen shot walk through of the system. You get Registration
pages, subscribing registrants to your autoresponder list, Live Webinars, replay
Webinars, email reminders, SMS Text reminders and much more.
Webinar Ignition: Complete –
A complete step-by-step walkthrough that takes you through installation of Webinar Ignition,
setting up a Webinar, hosting a webinar and offering a replay. It compares Webinar Ignition with
GoToWebinar and shows you how to run Google Hangouts-On-Air (the actually video straming
part of this WordPress Plugin.) The eBook retails for $29.95 and will definitely help you get
started hosting your own webinars (for less than $100 – a one-time fee.)
Attraction Marketer’s Manifesto
Here is another free download. Again you will be given the opportunity to purchase The Renegade Network Marketer. This is one of the most influential books ever written for online network marketers. Network Marketer’s Manifesto
Small Reports or Tips Pages
GoDaddy Domain Purchase and NameServer settings
Creating a Static Home Page –
Adding an Image Sidebar –
Find out how many pages are REALLY competing, Find EZine articles in your niche that have a lot of traffic and more –