People tend to scan their email senders and subject lines and never open a lot of them. You can increase the chances that someone will actually see an email using this method to repeat an email campaign.

I’m not talking about sending it and then an hour later sending it again. I’m talking about sending a campaign of several emails and after a week or more have the system repeat the email campaign.
Using tags makes it very easy to repeat an email campaign and then run it again. Here is one way to do it.
USING TWO CAMPAIGNS to Repeat an Email Campaign
Campaign 1 is a normal campaign with several emails separated by how many days Aweber should wait before it sends the next email. I call this one the Email Campaign. Here are the pieces we will use to Repeat the Email Campaign.
- A tag that triggers the Email Campaign.
- Several emails.
- A WAIT command between each of the emails.
- A command to add a TAG after all of the emails in the campaign have been sent. This will allow you to send BROADCAST emails to those who have received all of the emails in this campaign.
- A command to remove the TAG that triggered the email campaign. This command is the last command in the campaign.
Campaign 2 has no emails in it. I call this the Master Campaign. Here are the commands you place in the Master Campaign.
- A Command to add a Tag to the new Subscriber. This tag you add is the one that triggers the email campaign
- A WAIT command. This command tells Aweber to wait a relatively long time. It should probably be at least a week after the email campaign has sent all of its emails. This campaign is waiting until the other campaign has run its course.
- You can add several pairs of wait and tag commands.
- I end the sequence by WAITING a coule of months and initiating the campaign again.
THE FULL SEQUENCE TO Repeat an Email Campaign
You start the Master Campaign when a Lead becomes a Subscriber. I recommend that you use a tag to initiate the Master Campaign. This offers more flexibility than starting the Master Campaign using the “When a Lead Subscribes” method.
The Master Campaign adds a tag that triggers the Email Campaign.
At the end of the Email Campaign, the tag that triggers the Email Campaign is removed.
The Master Campaign waits and then adds the TAG a second (and third) time and initiate the sequence again.
The Last Step
While it is not required, I suggest that when a Subscriber signs up for your product, you remove the tags that trigger the Master Campaign and the Tag that triggers the Email Campaign. That will stop the Email Campaign where you are encouraging the Subscribers to BUY or JOIN.
One More Option
There are lots of variations that you can add to this very simple system. I’ll just mention one.
Copy the Email Campaign. Change the Tag that triggers this campaign.
The final change is to edit each of the emails and replace the Subject line. You never know what will attract someone’s attention, so it is worth trying something different to see if you can trigger the “I gotta read that!” response.
Note: You can also trigger a campaign for another product as part of this sequence. If you do make sure you use the List Automation section to add the Subscriber to the list that is associated with the second email campaign.
Here is the Master Campaign:

#1 – this tag was set by the FORM in the Landing Page. Note that there are no emais in this campaign,
#2 – In this example, I set the tag to trigger the Email Campaign at the same time I set the tag to trigger the Master Campaign. #2 says to wait 14 day. That gives the Email Campaign enough time to send all of its emails and also wait a week or so. The Email Campaign also removed the tag that triggered it in the first place. We have to remove the tag so that we can add it again later.
#3 – Here we set the TAG that triggers the Email Campaign and it starts sending emails again.
#4 – Hee I wited 3 weeks before I started the campaign again.
Here is the top of the EMAIL CAMPAIGN.

#1 – There are two TAAGS here. One was set by the Email Master campaign. (The other was set by a different Landing page.)
We send an email, wait, send another email and wait again until we run out of emails.

This is the bottom of the Email Campaign. Here we remove the TAG that triggered this campaign. Once we do that, it is ready for the Master Campaign to reset the TAG and trigger the campaign to run again.
You can see this in action here
Note: You can also use the Emil Master campain to trigger emails from another list. If you do that, make sure you have used the list Automation setting to add the new Subscriber to the List associated with the second email campaign.
There you have it. A simple way to expose your Leads to more emails without having to write a whole set. You add a TAG to trigger a Master Campaign when a Lead becomes a Subscriber The Master Campaign adds a TAG to a Lead and that triggers an Email Campaign. When the Email Campaign ends, it removes the TAG that triggered it. After a while, the Master Campaign triggers the Email Campaign again. You can repeat the cycle as many times as you want.
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