Recruiting Frustrated Network Marketers Gives You Two Yesses When You Start

Target Frustrated Network MarketersFrustrated Network Marketers are an excellent target market when you consider recruiting on line.

In a recent post I talked about the three Yesses you always need before you can effectively help someone. Here they are again:

  1. The person must say: “Yes I have the problem”
  2. The person must say: “Yes I need help”
  3. The person must say: “Yes I think YOU can help me.”

In a recent training with Brandy Shaver and Fernando Loaiza, he pointed out that frustrated network marketers have already answered yes to the first two questions.

With Frustrated Network Marketers, You Are Two Thirds of the Way Home

The person you are prospecting has already realized that their job (or whatever they are currently doing) isn’t going to solve their financial security problem. They also have (for the most part) recognized that they can’t solve their problem by themselves.

That leaves you two thirds of the way home. Your primary thrust can be to show them that YOU (and your opportunity) can help them solve THEIR problem.

Note: Instead of just targeting Frustrated Network Marketers, you should be targeting those that match the criteria for your “Perfect Team Mate” AND who are frustrated Network Marketers.

YOU Are The Solution

This step comes back to the old saw: Know, Like and Trust. You need to develop a relationship with the person to where they like you and trust you enough to feel comfortable that know working with you will be a good fit for them. The more you act like a leader, have a system and are prepared to present it, the better your chances are to add the person to your tribe.

Get the Training Yourself

The training I mentioned above was about how to prospect online without spending money for paid ads. Fernando usually charges for this training, but here it is Free.

While the Challenge is mostly over, the training is still available. Just ask to join the Facebook Group Attract Your Downline (Tell them Brandy Sent You when answering the questions). Look for the “30 Day Lockdown Challenge” posts.

Until Next Time. Remember, You Are One Decision Away…! Oh Hale Yes
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