Becoming an Attraction Marketer – Add a Sales Funnel to Your Blog
Dr. Hale here talking about becoming an Attraction Marketer.. There are distinct stages or steps that you go through when you decide to become an Attraction Marketer. You can read the first posts in the series here: It is the Overview, the Formative Phase and the Building Phase posts here. BTW there was a section in the Formative Phase post about why I have divided the process into phases.
This is a continuation of the BUILDING PHASE (2 of 3)
None of this is carved in stone, but as a budding Attraction Marketer, you should have something you are at least somewhat comfortable with before you move on to this step.
- Niche and Unique Selling Proposition established – By this time you should have a rough idea of your niche. We have talked about trying to talk to everyone and how it doesn’t work. You need to target a group that will resonate with your. We have also talked about starting with YOU. People don’t buy into a product or a company, they buy into you. If you don’t expose yourself – front and center – you make it very difficult for them.
- Home Base Built – While I didn’t dwell on options other than a blog in the earlier post, there certainly are some other options. However a blog is the cheapest and simplest for a solo entrepreneur to build and support.
The second part of Phase 2 – Adding a Sales Funnel to Your Blog
As I said in the Overview, for an emerging Attraction Marketer the basic decisions that must be made early on are very
similar to those that a person who is planning to open a store must make. The decision on what group to target has been made. The decision about how to get them interested in us has been made. We even have a storefront (a building). Now we need to add a Sales Funnel. If you don’t have a funnel, you can drive traffic to your site and people will read your material and maybe even comment. Then they leave. They have benefited (hopefully), but you have not.
The graphic gives a very brief overview of how classic Internet Marketing Sales Funnel’s works.
- You drive traffic – we’ll cover that in the next post in this series.
- You Offer your visitors something they REALLY want (your ethical bribe) and send them to s Squeeze page (or just an optin form in the sidebar of a page.)
- You trade your Ethical Bribe for their name and email address.
- You feed the name and address into an autoresponder
- You direct them to a Thank You page – this page often does more than just say “Thank You.” It is an ideal place for a One-Time-Offer (OTO)l You offer a low cost item to the person. It must be congruent with the free item.
- You send regular emails – most of the emails offer useful information. Every now and then you offer to sell them something you really think is worthwhile.
The overall concept is not difficult. Executing it is panache is something else again. 🙂
In there is an eBook with a checklist for your blog’s look and feel.
If you need help…The Daily Marketing Coach program is THE solution.
I completely recommend Ann Sieg’s Daily Marketing Coach program if you want to learn all of this for your business – step-by-step with a coach by your side.
You can sign up in the sidebar and I will send you a personal invitation the next time that Ann personally holds an “invite webinar.”
Next we’ll move on to Phase 3 – advertising or promoting your blog
There you have a Quick Overview of the Becoming an Attraction Marketer – Adding a Sales Funnel (2 of 3)
Until next time, you have a Great Day!
↓ ↓ If this post gave you some ideas – Go ahead & comment below. ↓ ↓
Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!
Skype hale.pringle
P.S. If you are working to move your business online and it all seems overwhelming, I can help! Take a look at, or sign up for the free coaching call. You can email me or give me a Skype call. I’ll give you the benefit of my years of experience and many thousands of dollars in training and searching the rabbit hole called Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. I can help you with Lead Generation, the feeling of overwhelm, blogging, and even career change. Add that to the finest mentoring on the Internet (Ann Sieg’s Team and Inner Circle) and you have a Winner!
Great article. thanks for sharing
Anita Levesque recently posted..Basic Guide On How Mobile Marketing Works
Thanks Anita,
Dr. Hale
Hi Hle,
That funnel model is one used by so many people, to push forwards to some amazing results.
The fact that so many people use and recommend the model means it’s advice well worth following!
The Great Gordino recently posted..3 Ways To Get Subscribers To Opt In!