This very short post shows you have to use ClippingMagic to remove Image Backgrounds.
Often we want to merge two images when we are creating a Print on Demand product. At least one of the images usually need to have the background removed so that it won’t overwrite the other image when we merge the two. My preferred Editor (Photoshop Elements ) has a tool to do this, but sometimes does a better job.
This four minute video will give you an idea of how how to Remove Image Backgrounds. using ClippingMagic.
Clipping Magic
The steps are easy.
- Navigate to
- Upload the image you want to work on.
- Click on the Green Icon and drag it around some of the area you want to keep
- Click on the Red Icon and drag it around some of the area you want removed.
- Make small adjustments if some areas are deleted or kept erroneously
- Download your “Clipped” version of the image.
That is really all there is to it. The nice thing is that you do NOT have to carefully outline the section you want to keep. ClipplingMagic does a good job of finding edges and moving the line between the area to keep and the area to delete over to those edges.
Have a Great Day – Oh Hale Yes!
P.S. Here is a post with a list of the various posts that contain some useful information. Some are about and some are about Photoshop Elements. Some are about both. Click Here
Hi Hale,
It’s great to read your post. I was busy with my projects, that’s the reason I was inactive a bit, specially reading & commenting was completely off.
But Anyways, Thanks for the interesting & informative read. Keep up the good work and enjoy the holidays.
A Very Happy New Year Hale! Cheers
~ Donna
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