Being successful at many project, including Network Marketing, requires that you be consistent. One way to do that is to set up a Daily Method of Operation (DMO) where you identify tasks that you perform every day. Here is one way to track your DMOs using a free App on your Smartphone.
The app I am recommending and demonstration here is called List:Daily Checklist. In this post I am going to show you how to set up your DMO in the App.
Daily Activity to Track Your DMOs
Let’s start by looking at the finished product. You open the app and you will see one or more boals.

#1 – Here are two Goals. Note when you have completed all teh tasks in a Goal, the Goal circle is greyed out like the D beside Daily Exercise.
#2 – You can open and close which goal you would like to work on. When you open a Goal, you can see the Tasks that are make up the goal.
$3 – There is a small green check mark (not shown) that will close the app. Note: This small green check mark is used in several places and sometimes is not obvious.
To track your DMOs, you simply check off the items as you complete them. They are automatically reset every day. By default you activity is stored for the last 90 days. I’ll show you later how to change when your day ends. I am a nigh owl and I consider work I do at 1 and 2 AM as part of the previous days works.
I’m going to go over the setup and a few of the special options you migh use when you are using this app.
Downloading the App from the Play Store.
I am sure this is the same on iOS devices.

You need to serch for List:Daily Checklist. NOTE: There are no spaces around the color. I you add a space after the color, you won’t see this app.
#2 – This is the APP you want to install on your pnone.

Once you open the App, this is the first screen you will see.

Here the App is telling you that you have no goals and not tasks. Click on the blue button with a plus sing in it.

You are giving the option to add a new Goal on=r a new task. Here we want to add a new Goal.

#1 – Enter a name for your Goal
#2 – Click the Green check mark to indicate that you are done. There are lots of color and background optiosn, but we don’t really need the,=m.

Once you have a Goal, you will press the same blue button with the plus sign to create a task.

#1 – Enter a name for your Task here
#2- Note the three little dots. This indicates there are three screens worth of otpions and we are on screen 1.
#3 – drag the edge of this bar to the left to see the second screen.

Our new taks as been added to the “Default” goal. We want it to be part of the DMO goal. Click on the blue buttom with the plus sign to see the goals you have to choose from.
Here we have three goals. Pick the DMO goal

Pick the DMO Goal and then click the Green Check Mark to Indicate you are done. Repeat until All of your Tasks are in the system
Modifying an Existing Set of Tasks

If you press and hold the mouse button on one of the Tasks, this menu will appear.
#1 – If you clicj EDIT, the same screens that you used to create the Task (or Goal) will appear. The screens will already have the existing nanme and goal filled in.
#2 – Clicking on the SORT option lets you move the taks up or down you list of tasks.

Click and hold the mouse key down on the 3 bars. You can drag a Task up or down.
Editing the Settings

$1 – There is a three dot menu in the upper right corner. Click on that and this menu will appear.
#2 – Click on Settings

#1 – Click the Little up.down arrow to open the Opetion under the TIME settings.
#2 – I am a night owl and often work late at night. I set the “Start of Day” very late so that all of my actions between after midnight are credited to the previous day.

Under the set the number of days to record data to more than 90 days if you want.
One Last Option – Download a Report

At the top left of the screen, there is a three bar menu. One of the Options is REPORTS

I don’t have any data in this sample, but you can download your data and send it to someone to open Excel or Google Sheets if you are sharing with an accountability partner.

You can click on the Calendar option and seea daily count of how many of your tasks you completed.
Tracking Activities Using a Google Sheet
THis app helps you track the activities you need to carry out. It does not track how many people you talked to, new friends you added, etc. Here is a post that shows a Google Sheet where you can track these counts . Tracking Network Marketing Activities
Rhat’s It! How to Track your DMOs on Your Smartphone.
Ninty percent of this post on how to track your DMOS has been how to set up your App. The actuall day to Day operation is just open it app, see what you need to do, do it and click that it was done.
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