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Eliminating Internet Marketing Overwhelm
Eliminating or dealing with Internet Marketing Overwhelm is a hot topic right now. Most of the
big name trainers in the industry not only recognize
that it is rampant, but they are trying to do something
about it. Here is one solution that you can apply
TODAY to help you eliminate the feeling of overwhelm.
Note: My mission is to help Network Marketers who are struggling to move online, especially those buried by overwhelm. You will find information that will HELP you find leads and access to the finest mentoring system on the Internet today (Ann Sieg’s Renegade Team and Inner Circle). You will learn how to avoid the bright shiny things, effectively use blogging, Facebook and LinkedIn, A free 30 minute coaching call is yours for the asking. Take action today! When you are ready Join the Team
Why do students of Internet Marketing feel Internet Marketing Overwhelm?
Students of Internet Marketing are reporting that they are overwhelmed more than
ever. In just the last week I have seen eight major leaders talk about overwhelm.
Ann Sieg talked about it in her newsletter. Natasha Nassar sent out a mailing
focused on the topic and at the Pro Marketing Academy in Orlando speakers
like Ray Higdon, Eric Worre, Dianne Hochman, Michelle Pescosolido, Mark
Hoverson and Tim Erway all had something to say about it during their presentations.
I’m sure there are lots of reasons, but one is clear. Everyone is taught that
they need to have a Unique Selling Proposition. For most people this means
picking a small area and becoming THE expert in that area. Then these experts
teach their area of expertise. On the surface this appears okay, but when you
look further you see a pattern that no school system would tolerate.
Students get a mixture of beginning, intermediate and advanced training
in wildly different topics in what is almost a random order. Imagine
going to school and instead of taking five different courses you get random
lectures from every major in the school. The presentation of most subjects
is best when there is a progression where you learn the basics and then add
more advanced topics building on previous learning. As a matter of fact
the 101 course for almost every college major consists of a class dedicated
to the vocabulary of major. Internet Marketing have several hundred
specially words (i.e. PCC, PPV, SEO, Blogging) that new students are
somehow expected to know already. Crazy huh?
Not only does the current online Internet Marketing training ignore this
basic fundamental of education, many of the “training” sessions are in fact
sales pitches for the “real” training which can be purchased for ONLY $xxx.
The design of these training sessions involved deliberately giving attendees
a taste without giving too much of the good material away.
Is it any wonder that MANY students reports that Internet Marketing
Overwhelm is their number one problem?
Is There a Solution to Internet Marketing Overwhelm?
Of course. There is always a solution. In fact there are several solutions.
First, don’t hold your breath waiting over the current system to change.
That is not going to happen any time soon. The onus of dealing with
Internet Marketing overwhelm rests squarely on your shoulders.
Here are my Thee Steps to Overcoming Internet Marketing Overwhelm
Step 1. This is the hardest step, so I’ll cover it first. This is something
you should work on continuously. Here it is: “Accept the FACT that
there is too much information for anyone to learn it all.” Be kind to
yourself and realize that you are going to nibble and nibble some more.
Things will make more and more sense as you go along. The feeling of
overwhelm is in large part a self-criticism that centers around a feeling
of inadequacy “I should learn this faster!” or “I should know this already.”
Accept that learning Internet Marketing is going to take time. Also
accept the fact that people start with different education, skills and mindsets.
The result is that different people will progress at different rates. I’ll
give you one example. I have been in the computer industry for over
40 years. I know myself and I know that I want to learn the basics
VERY well. It makes me a very slow starter. It also means that as I hit
my stride I know what I am doing. That is experience talking.
Step 2. Spend some time discovering how you want to market on the
Internet. This WILL take some soul-searching and some dipping your
toes into several different pools. For example there are major players
showing you how to use blogs to market YOUR business. There is another
group who are using Facebook – either exclusively or almost exclusively.
A third group is working with local businesses – primarily doing what was
Google Places and which is now part of Google Plus. Once you have an
idea of what you would like to do, put together a plan. It is extremely
important that you understand that you need 1) traffic, 2) ways to capture
names and emails and 3) ways to convert those names and emails into
prospects or sales. Now comes the hard part – ignore everything that
doesn’t fit into your plan. If you can see where something fits to
enhance your plan – have at it. It won’t overwhelm you, it will enhance you.
Step 3. If Step 2 seems like a huge step, you can (and probably should) do
this one as Step 2. Join an ongoing program where you can get step-by-step
training, coaching and mentoring to help you move along at your own pace.
(BTW, This is NOT the same as an X week training program with Q & A
webinars every Wednesday night for all X weeks. It will be extremely rare
that you move along at the same pace as this type of course.) Ann Sieg’s
Renegade Team is one ongoing program that I highly recommend. You can
see more here: Renegade Team Training System. One of the services
I offer is free 1/2 hour coaching calls to help you get started: Work with Hale
There you have it, the short version of how to overcome Internet Marketing
overwhelm: 1) be kind to yourself 2) develop a plan and stay with your plan
and 3) join an ongoing program of mentoring and coaching.
Three Steps to Overcome Internet Marketing Overwhelm
↓ ↓ If this post gave you some ideas – Go ahead & comment below. ↓ ↓
Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!
Skype hale.pringle
Email: HaleYes@HalePringle.com
For Free 1/2 hour coaching call: Work with Hale
Work with me now: Join the Renegade Team Training System
P.S. If you are looking at your “job” and thinking “There has to be something better than this!”, I can help. If you are trying to work online and are totally overwhelmed, I can help! Take a look at http://HalePringle.com, or sign up for the free coaching call or email me or give me a Skype call. I’ll give you the benefit of my several years and many thousands of dollars in training and searching the rabbit hole called Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. I can help you with Lead Generation, blogging, and even career change. Add that to the finest mentoring on the Internet (Ann Sieg’s Team and Inner Circle) and you have a Winner!
Excellent article Hale! I’ve been in “overwhelm” mode for it seems like 2 months now and every thing has been at a stand still with what I’m trying to do online. This should prove helpful. Thanks! Stephen
You are most welcome Stephen. I’m glad I could help.
Thank you Hale. I do need to be reminded to not be hard on myself. Thank you for the tips and letting me know about the coaching. It is something I’m lacking in is coaching, advisors and that sort of help.
Marilyn. Arriaga recently posted..Gratitude Challenge
You are most welcome Marllyn. There are times to be hard on ourselves (don’t let yourself get lazy) and times to realize that there is a process and we all have to go through it – one step at a time.
Hale, thanks so much for these steps to overcoming overwhelm. You are so right that is totally a hot topic right now.
Sigrid McNab recently posted..Five Sure-fire Sales Techniques
Thank you Sigrid. I appreciate you kind words.
These are excellent points Hale,
When I first got started in network marketing online, years ago… I was so overwhelmed by all the information that was flooding my screen.
Well, guess what…today it’s still the same.
There is way too much info to process. You said is so well.
It needs to be settled in our minds before we even start the day that, we will not be able to get through all the info that faces us. However, we can choose how much we will process, and then process it.
I thought your points were well thought out, and written.
Keep up the great work!
Martin@martketing-made-easy recently posted..Wherever you go there you are
Thank you very much Martin. I do try! 🙂
Thanks for sharing this info. it’s really nice.