Firefox tips on Saving Time: Firefox is the browser of choice for many people, but there are many features that the average user doesn’t know about and hence they don’t use. In a previous post, I told you about a Firefox Tip using Pinned Tabs Today, we will cover some very nice add-ons and one application. You may not want to use all of these, but there are sure to be a few that you would find useful.
Firefox Tips: Tip #1 – Reset How Firefox Handles eMail Addresses
I find that there are several web sites I open on a regular basis. Sites like, Gmail, Facebook, the backoffice for the Daily Marketing Coach program, Google Plus, LinkeIn, My Blog, AWeber, (a stock image site) and Remember the Milk (a Todo List site). It takes time to open each of these windows so I have FireFox do it for me.
Step 1 – Open the Options Menu.
In the last post, we opened the Options menu to reset what Firefox does when it starts up. (Their default is a home page they chose. I prefer that they open the same windows I had open when Firefox closed. Today we need to open the Options Menu again. You click on the Firefox image in the upper left corner and choose Options
#1 – Click on the little arrow on the right side of the orange Firebox
#2 – Click on Options
#3 – Click on Options again
I have the Menu Toolbar off (to make more space for text in the browser). If yours is on, the screen will look like this.
Opening Options Menu with Menu Toolbar on
#1 – Click on Tools
#2 – Click on Options
Step 2 – Tell Firefox Use The Email Provider I Use – not Outlook.
Here is the screen that opens up.
General Tab in the Options Screen
#1- Make sure the Applications Tab is highlighted
#2 – Find the Mailto: Option and choose your email providers. I use GMail so that is what I chose.
The three main options a Outlook, Gmail and Yahoo mail.
Firefox Tips: Tip #2 – Use Lastpass to Supply Passwords
As I read the Internet Marketing Literature I see two systems for automatically handling passwords mentioned over and over. These are Roboform and Lastpass. I have used them both and prefer Lastpass. That also seems to be the consensus in the literature I read.
Lastpass automatically fills in account names and passwords for you- saving you time and frustration.
Features and Benefits
- Lastpass saves your account names and passwords in an encrypted database on the web.
- Lastpass automatically saves and retrieves/fills in account names and passwords for you.
- You can access your Lastpass account from any computer with Lastpass installed on it. (This means that your office computer and your laptop will both know about the password you just changed.)
- With the Premium Edition ($12/year), Lastpass will also work on your IPad.
Step 1 – Open a Browser Window and Enter in the Address Bar
#1 – Navigate to
#2 – Download for Free and install
#3 – After you install, you will see the Red Asterisk button at the top (Mine is already installed)
Step 2 – Install Lastpass
Screen You Will Seed During Install
Step 3 – (Not Shown) – Fill in your information and Create a Lastpass Account
You will be asked to create an account (after you reboot Firefox).
Be Very Careful and Choose a STRONG Password
Step 4 – When You Reboot Your Computer You will See the Lastpass Icon is GREY
The Grey icon means that you have NOT logged into Lastpass and it is NOT active.
Click on the icon and you will see this screen.
Enter that strong password you used when you created the account.
Step 5 – When You Go to a New Login Screen – Lastpass will ask if it should save the User Name and Password
You will see a small window at the top of your browser that asks if Lastpass should save the password for this site. You can choose to save it, not save it or tell Lastpass never to save passwords on the current site..
Example of Lastpass asking if it should save a password
If you say “yes”, you will see a new screen. Just click the Save Site Button.
Lastpass – Save the Site Screen
Step 6 – Lastpass will automatically Fill in Accounts Names and Passwords
Sample Login With Lastpass Filling In The User Name and Password
The small red Lastpass icons at the end of the two fields indicates that Lastpass figured out that these two fields are Account and Password fields and filled them in for you.
You can also look at the Lastpass “vault” using the secure https browser protocol.
Lastpass will usually notice if you change a password and save the new password. It doesn’t work 100% of the time, but none of the system can actually do that. The clues they use are sometimes not given on secure web site to help frustrate hackers.
Firefox Tip #3 – Rapportive – Gmail Add-on
I wrote a full blog post on Rapportive a while back. CYou can see the Rapportive Post.
Rapportive takes over the right panel in Gmail. When you open an email or start to compose one, Rapportive will use the email address and automatically see if it can find a person using that email address on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus and several other Social Media Sites.
Rapplet – Is the Person in One of Your AWeber Lists?
As you can see, the Arrow #2 above shows that I am signed into several of my AWeber lists. The AWeber integration is an add-on to the Rapportive Firefox Add-on.
There you have three more Firefox Productivity tips that will save you time and frustration.
In the next post we’ll look at one more – Remember the Milk- a top rated to-do list and a redumantary CRM package
Until next time, you have a Great Day! Oh Hale Yes! 🙂
↓ ↓ If this post gave you some ideas – Go ahead & comment below. ↓ ↓
Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!
Skype hale.pringle
Connect with me of Google+, Facebook or Twitter
P.S. If you are working to move your business online and it all seems overwhelming, I can help! Take a look at, or sign up for the free coaching call. You can email me or give me a Skype call. I’ll give you the benefit of my years of experience and many thousands of dollars in training and searching the rabbit hole called Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. I can help you with Lead Generation, the feeling of overwhelm, blogging, and even career change. Add that to the finest mentoring on the Internet (Ann Sieg’s Team and Inner Circle) and you have a Winner!
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