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Ray Higdon’s Pro Marketing Summit – Day 1
– Ray Delivers!
Ray delivers value after value.
Ray Higdon and Magnetic Sponsoring collected an all
star cast of speakers today in Orlando. The Pro Marketing
Summit featured some of the best of the best with more
to come tomorrow. Here are a few highlights from today’s
Note: My mission is to help Network Marketers who are struggling to move online, especially those buried by overwhelm. You will find information that will HELP you find leads and access to the finest mentoring system on the Internet today (Ann Sieg’s Renegade Team and Inner Circle). You will learn how to avoid the bright shiny things, effectively use blogging, Facebook and LinkedIn, A free 30 minute coaching call is yours for the asking. Take action today! When you are ready Join the Team
Ray Delivers
Lena Djorna – Be a Risk Taker
The morning started with Lena Djorna – a newcomer to me. She
gave us a nice start up. At the end of the day when people were on
stage telling the main things they got out of the day, her presentation
got more mentions than anyone else (as far as I could tell without
an official count.) Her main message was that we needed to be “Risk
Takers.” Then she suggested a formula that sounded a lot like MIGHT
time from ProU. Do three bold things every morning. Things that move
your business forward and make you uncomfortable. She was the only
speaker who did not have a product to pitch.
Ray Higdon Delivers – Two Blogging Tips and Two Workshop Tips
Ray Higdon talked for a short while. His message is not new to those
who follow him. Rey delivers this message in many forms, but it
ALWAYS bears repeating. When it comes to blogging there are
two critical components: 1) Congruence and 2) Consistency. T
ie every blog into your main theme, even if it is a day at the beach
with your family (congruence) and blog very regularly (consistency).
Ray also had two nice objectives for everyone to attends workshops.
He suggests that you are looking for two main things – all the time.
1) What can I share with my readers?
2) What did I see that can impact my daily routine?
As Always – Ray Delivers Pure Gold!
Eric Worre – Old School Still Works!
Eric Worre was on fire. His message was old school, but with a unique
twist from the Pro Network Marketer. His plan (and he has two workshops
as year that go over this in detail) is to do a 90 day all out run at putting
1,000 people into an auditorium. The “We are doing this exciting thing – you
on board or not?” used the excitement of a large live event done by US to
interest people in joining – what ever you are doing. His system involves
1) Pre-Launch (could be 90 days) – “We’re getting ready to launch something
huge 2) Launch (90 days – 15 hours a day – 7 days a week) and 3) Post-launch
I loved his quote from Brandon Brouchard: “Version 1.0 is infinitely
better than version 0.0.” A snazzy version of “If you don’t swing the
bat, you have zero chance of hitting the ball.” (I’m not sure at this point
who quoted this.)
Diane Hochman – the Master Promoter
Diane provided her unique – homey and very real style to the mix.
Her product teaches you how to promote other people’s products
easily and naturally. One nugget I extracted was that you might
think about becoming the “Home-based Business Go-To Person”
in your town. Newspapers and Radio stations are looking for this
someone who takes the lead. Great exposure.
Ray Higdon Delivers – more
Another tip for people who are building a downline. As soon as
you answer the same questions two or three times – create a short
video that you can point people to. Not only can you do a better
job of answering a question when you give it your full attention,
but you also create a resource for your team to use when they
get the same question.
Mark Hoverson – fresh from Futuristic Marketing
Mark gave us a VERY moving glimpse into his past. He was definitely
down and out. Here were some of his teaching points:
- Don’t work for the $$$, work to release people’s God-given potential.
The money will follow. - Build your will power by borrowing from a collaboration network.
- He asks questions like “How would you finish “People on the job
are _____?” If you say “lazy”, you are probably lazy. His answer
is “willing to do whatever it takes to get out of that space and they
WILL do it given the training and tools.” Make a HUGE
difference in how you see people. - The more generic you why, the more mundane your solution.
- Define you why and your goal VERY tightly – you will progress
MUCH faster. - Sell to people who are already converted to your point of view.
Those who are looking for a solution. Do NOT try to convert
people. - When you craft an offer, think of seven different ways that you
can illustrate it (with images.)
More coming, but as I said – Ray Delivers.
↓ ↓ If this post gave you some ideas – Go ahead & comment below. ↓ ↓
Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!
Skype hale.pringle
Email: HaleYes@HalePringle.com
For Free 1/2 hour coaching call: Work with Hale
Work with me now: Join the Renegade Team Training System
P.S. If you are looking at your “job” and thinking “There has to be something better than this!”, I can help. If you are trying to work online and are totally overwhelmed, I can help! Take a look at http://HalePringle.com, or sign up for the free coaching call or email me or give me a Skype call. I’ll give you the benefit of my several years and many thousands of dollars in training and searching the rabbit hole called Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. I can help you with Lead Generation, blogging, and even career change. Add that to the finest mentoring on the Internet (Ann Sieg’s Team and Inner Circle) and you have a Winner!
Hey Hale,
Great Review. A few great points from your article(from each speaker)that stood out were…
1) Lena Bjorna: Do three bold things every morning. Things that move
your business forward and make you uncomfortable.
2) Eric Worre: The 90 Day Game Plan Totally ROCKS and I love the quote from Brendon..”“Version 1.0 is infinitely better than version 0.0.”
3) Ray Higdon: I love the point that Ray always makes when he says, “Don’t just be a consumer, but always be thinking like a Marketer!” When purchasing courses or attending workshops always consider..1)What can I share with my readers? & 2) What did I see that can impact my daily routine?
4) Mark Hoverson: I love Mark’s story and he really erases all excuses. Mark always delivers great content and I love where he says..”Don’t work for the $$$, work to release people’s God-given potential. The money will follow.” Many people totally miss this and wonder why the never see any results.
Thanks for sharing, Hale!
To Your Infinite Success,
Marquel Russell
” Rey delivers this message in many forms, but it
ALWAYS bears repeating. When it comes to blogging there are
two critical components: 1) Congruence and 2) Consistency” Always great to be reminded. Thanks Hale
joel pashkin recently posted..Life in Retirement and the Sandwich Generation?
Thanks for this great review HALE! “Do three bold things every morning. Things that move your business forward and make you uncomfortable” really stood out for me and I will be incorporating this into my daily method of operation.
Sigrid McNab recently posted..7 Business Tips You will Never See Printed
It was so nice to see you at the Summit this weekend! I love this review! You really hit on some of the key points of the speakers…. What a great experience! Ray Higdon does everything in style. 🙂