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My Blog Traffic Journey – Setting Up MY System
Having a blog is like being a fish in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. A small fish at that! In order to have an impact you must be found – in other words there must be blog traffic and in abundance.
Recently I wrote a series of posts about blog traffic. These posts broke blog traffic into before, during and after you write a post. (This series on blog traffic stemmed from a project called “Sail the 7 Cs of Blogging”. In that post featured in Ann Sieg”s TheRenegadeBlog and posted on BetterNetworker- I gave an overview of seven different aspects of blogging.)
I’m focusing on traffic because I feel that this CRITICAL step is often overlooked. (We all tend to skimp on the “last” step to mark a project as DONE.)
Note: My mission is to help Network Marketers who are struggling to move online, especially those buried by overwhelm. You will find information that will HELP you find leads and access to the finest mentoring system on the Internet today (Ann Sieg’s Renegade Team and Inner Circle). You will learn how to avoid the bright shiny things, effectively use blogging, Facebook and LinkedIn, A free 30 minute coaching call is yours for the asking. Take action today! When you are ready Join the Team
Blog Traffic – An Overview
There are literally hundreds of ways to drive traffic to your blog. Unfortunately many bloggers trust in just one. “If I do my key word research and write well and do my SEO, the world will find me through Google.” That’s hogwash and you only have to listen to the top experts, the ones with lots of traffic to know that. Sure you’ll get some traffic and if you work hard enough and loooonnngg enough you’ll build up a significant following. The pros repeatedly tell us that the Google solution is only part of the blog traffic solution. It might even be a small part.
Recap from earlier posts
Creating blog traffic has four distinct phases –
- Things you do before you start posting in your blog – covered in a post about Before you write Phase 1,
- Things you do while you are writing a post (SEO and HOC) – covered in a post about While You Write Phase 2,
- Things you do after you write a post and press Publish Blog Traffic After Publish 1 and
- Checking the results on your efforts.This post is part 5 of 7 on blog traffic and continues the coverage of the third phase. Owners of regular websites usually think of this as Off Page SEO. Many bloggers don’t think about it at all
The section on “After You Press Publish” was actually done in two parts. The second part featured some of the top Bloggers in the World as they told us what THEY do after they press Publish. Listen to the Experts on Blog Traffic
Based on my reserach, my interests and talking to several top bloggers, I’m going to start my blog traffic generation journey by creating a plan.
- I’ll do everything covered in Before You Write Phase 1, This is mostly signing my blog website up with several major repositories.
- I’ll continue to use SEOPressor and work to ensure that my on-page SEO is adequate (covered in While You Write Phase 2,)
- I will sign up for the Top 50 MLM Bloggers contest and throw energy at that for the next 10 days.
- I have spent some time converting large blog posts into free eBooks/eReports. These have many links back to my blog. (Over a dozen I wrote are located in Resources.)
- I will submit 5 of these to three different Free Ebook Sites.
- I will become active on the Warrior Forum and use these free resources to drive traffic to my site (and my list)
- I will become active on 5 LinkedIn Groups and use these free resource to drive traffic to my site (and my list)
- I will be active with PPC on YouTube.
- I will add a link to each post on SocialAdr
- I will use Wp-socializer plugin to post teasers and links on 5 Facebook Groups.
- I will Tweet about the post (Probably with Tweetdeck)
- I will add each Post to LinkedIn
- I will add each Post to Google+
- I will add each Post to Pinterest
- I will add each Post to Pixlepipe.
- Work with a Tribe to share comments
I intend to add these slowly and capture traffic statics regularly. Due to the multitude of variables, this is a very weak “research design,” but it may give us some useful information about methods that carry a large impact with a minimum amount of time and effort.
This list looks long and frankly that bothers me. I’ll keep you posted as things progress.
The Journey for Blog Traffic is officially started.
Until next time, you have a Great Day!
↓ ↓ If this post gave you some ideas – Go ahead & comment below. ↓ ↓
Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!
Skype hale.pringle
Email: HaleYes@HalePringle.com
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P.S. If you are working to move your business online and it all seems overwhelming, I can help! Take a look at http://HalePringle.com, or sign up for the free coaching call. You can email me or give me a Skype call. I’ll give you the benefit of my years of experience and many thousands of dollars in training and searching the rabbit hole called Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. I can help you with Lead Generation, the feeling of overwhelm, blogging, and even career change. Add that to the finest mentoring on the Internet (Ann Sieg’s Team and Inner Circle) and you have a Winner!
Wow is that true about “overwhelm” I am also doing a course on MLMers beginning the blogging process. Mahalo for the great info!
The Fabulous Davene recently posted..The Best Mentor & Teacher In MLM? That’s Easy
Wow! Dr. Hale, this is very resourceful. I have book marked this page for a later visit.
Indeed our blogs are small fish in the sea. If we invest all the time to build the blogs and post our content but no one is seeing it, of what use is it?
Thank you for sharing this information about increasing our blog visibility.
You are Most Welcome Ruthida.
I see way too many of us depending upon SEO and “they will come to our better mousetrap” Except the mice don’t care and they have LOTS of other places to be. 🙂
Talk to you soon!
Oh Hale Yes!
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