Making Facebook Play Nice with Your Blog Post
Many of us put links to our Blog Posts into Facebook. At times Facebook doesn’t recognize changes that we have made. Today we’ll fix that. Making Facebook play nice can be very vexing.
ERROR ONE – Website Title Changes Don’t Show.
When you put a link into Facebook it goes out to your blog and finds the TITLE for your website and “stores it in it’s own database” That way when it sees a new link from you it doesn’t have to go out to the web and extract your website title again, it can just use the one it has, which is much faster. That is great, but what happens when you update the title for your website. Facebook continues to use the old one. We want to make Facebook play nice after the change.
ERROR TWO – Blog Post Featured Image is Wrong and Won’t Change.
The same thing happens if you forget to set the Featured Image for a blog post. Facebook will look at your page and pick an image. It stores that image in its database. The image might be from your header or your sidebar or maybe somewhere in the your blog post. (I read once that they tend to ignore .PNG files unless you specifically point to them.) Once you see that the post is wrong and go fix it, Facebook continues to use the image from its database. Again we would like Facebook to play nice, but it doesn’t
When you delete the whole post and come back and enter it again, the thumbnail still is deleted. You can go to other pages or group pages and the correct thumbnail will show. I don’t have a fix for this. My suggestion is to not delete the thumbnail. Either reload the page or delete the tab and open a new tab with Facebook in it. Do not meddle with the post with the error in it. I’m not sure how to get Facebook to play nice in this case.
Making Facebook Play Nice – The SOLUTION – The Facebook Debugger Page.
Here is the link When you get to this page there is only a blank input box. Place your URL in the box and press DEBUG. This simple act will update the Facebook database and correct ERRORS ONE and TWO above. The next time your place your blog post in Facebook, the correct title and the correct image will show.
There is more information on the report that Facebook gives you, but for now know that your Title will be updated and the corrected Featured Image will be the one that shows.
Making Facebook Play Nice with your Blog Post is easy – If You Know Where to Look
Until next time, you have a Great Day!
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Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!
Skype hale.pringle
P.S. If you are working to move your business online and it all seems overwhelming, I can help! Take a look at, or sign up for the free coaching call. You can email me or give me a Skype call. I’ll give you the benefit of my years of experience and many thousands of dollars in training and searching the rabbit hole called Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. I can help you with Lead Generation, the feeling of overwhelm, blogging, and even career change. Add that to the finest mentoring on the Internet (Ann Sieg’s Team and Inner Circle) and you have a Winner!
I found this article most useful right now to share my post! Thank you so much, Dr Hale. Bookmarking and sharing!
Corinne Rodrigues recently posted..Writing and Living Free
Thank you very much. I’m certainly glad that you found the tip about the Debugger useful. I know it has annoyed me when I could not make Facebook display the right title or image. I was very glad when Google told where to find the solutions.
Thanks Again,
Dr. Hale
Thank you Hale for both the time to show me how this works this morning and this reference to come back to. These few minutes have opened up a whole new understanding about how to make my fan page come alive with activity.
I’m indebted to you.
Pat Campbell recently posted..Tips to Overcome Limitations…Find Out How
You are most welcome. I’m always glad that I can help.
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