Sales Funnel Diagram below. – As you learn Internet Marketing you will learn that Internet Marketing Sales Funnels are one of the foundations for your business. The long-term goal is to build your subscriber list and Internet Marketing Sales Funnels are the usual method for doing this. While we often see an offer designed to be irresistible to a certain niche followed by a sales page for something we can buy, the ins and outs of how these parts go together aren’t discussed as much…
Describing a Sales Funnel Diagram is Tough
Let me start by saying that understanding a Sales Funnel Diagram is tough sledding. There are lots of puzzle pieces that have to be put together. In this post I going to go through my Sales Funnel Diagram process three times. The first time will be purely verbal and quick. In the second pass, I will use a simplified flow chart to represent my Sales Funnel Diagram. This chart shows the pieces and their relationships. The third pass with be will show sample Web pages and emails with the connections described between each screen shot.
The Basics of Sales Funnels – Describing A Sales Funnel Diagram
In this article I’m going to stick to showing how a sales funnel is set up. Funnels can get much more complex with up-sells, down-sells, pop-up exit sales, cross-sales and more, but I want to start with the moving parts of a basic sales funnel. Well I confess, I go a little beyond the simplest model, but I want this Sales Funnel Diagram to be a realistic system. The problem here is that there are three different systems interacting – your website/blog, an autoresponder system like AWeber, and a Payment System like PayPal. I’m going to use a WordPress Blog, AWeber and PayPal in this walk-through since that is a very common combination of tools.
Pieces You Have To Have to Create a List Building Sales Funnel
This list shows you the various pieces we will be working with. What it does NOT show you is how these pieces work together, In other words, how the website visitor moves from one page to the next.
- A Free Offer, also called an Ethical Bribe, a Freebie, an Irresistible Offer and more
- A product related to your Free Offer that you will sell.
- A Squeeze Page for you Free Offer. This must have a signup form tied to an Autoresponder company
- A Page where you offer to sell your second product – usually called a One-Time-Offer hooked to a payment system like PayPal.
- A way to deliver the Free Offer
- A way to deliver the Product You Sell.
- Traffic to the Squeeze Page.
Pieces You Should Have
This is where I’m going to kick it up a notch, and move away from the simplest funnel you could create. When I first started, I had emails that thanked the subscriber for asking for my Free Offer and gave them a link straight to a PDF download link. As I got further along I realized that I was wasting a very valuable opportunity to show them the product I was selling again.
- Every download should be on a web page which offers something else (although you have to stop somewhere). The reason for this is that you do NOT want to waste this valuable opportunity. The person who asked for your Free Offer has indicated they have an interest in your niche, as a marketer you really want to take this opportunity to interest them in a product they can buy.
- A link to every download should also be delivered in an email message. The reason for this is two fold. First many people are buying today on mobile devices and they want the product on another device. For example, I like my PDF product on my iPad. I store them in iBooks and read them as time allows. Other products (like WordPress plugins) need to be delivered to my main PC, not my smart phone. The second reason is that people may need to download your product later. If their only shot at the product is right after they buy, they are going to need to contact your support which is a pain for them and for you.
- Visitors should be taken to a nice “Thank You for visiting” Page if they indicate they do not want to buy you product.
Most Sales Funnels Are Actually List Building Funnels
Before I get into the putting the parts together, I do want to stop and make the point that in most cases the One-Time-Offer sales are aimed at recouping the cost of paid advertising. They are NOT designed to be the real source of an Internet Marketer’s income. The main income comes from sales offers made to the Marketer’s subscriber mailing list over time. The rule of thumb we read consistently is that an Internet Marketer will make about $1 / mo / subscriber. So the aim here is to build a big list – without breaking the bank doing it. If enough people buy your One-Time-Offer to offset the cost of advertising, you have done well. While I will mostly stick with the industry jargon and call this a Sales Funnel, in my mind we are really talking about a List Building Diagram.
Overview of a Basic Sales Funnel Diagram (or more correctly a Basic List Building Funnel)
A simple Sales Funnel involves several visible parts:
- Traffic – Paid or Free traffic is directed to:
- A simple squeeze page – offering to trade a Free Offer for an email address (and perhaps name and/or phone number). Leads who opt-in for the Free Offer are sent on to:
- A One-Time-Offer Sales page that offers to sell a related product that has more substance than the free offer.
Behind the scene there are several other parts
- A website (often a blog) – paid advertising sites like Google and Facebook have changed their rules over the years and right now they favor squeeze pages that are obviously part of a site dedicated to a topic that is related to the free offer. As an example, my blog targets List Building and Blogging. A free offer of an eBook on AWeber or on JVGiveaways is related to my blog’s focus. If I were to try to buy ads that went to a diet pill squeeze page or a dating service squeeze page, the ads wouldn’t be relevant to my site and would stand a much greater chance of not being approved.
- An autoresponder system. There are many professional services out there. I recommend AWeber and have written three eBooks on it. (I would avoid the scripts that you can run on your own site. Research shows over and over that the delivery rate from these self-hosted scripts is much lower than that provided by the professional services. You don’t make sales from emails that land in a SPAM folder.)
- PayPal (or some similar payment system)
Putting the parts together
I’m going to assume for the purposes of this article that you are running a WordPress blog and have 1) a Free eBook and 2) a One-Time-Offer eBook you want to sell.
NOTE: There are several ways to put these parts together. I’m going over one that makes sense to me and that I use and can teach. You will find variations in other people’s teaching.
PayPal Setup
I’m going to start here even though it is often one of the last things we actually do. By covering it first we won’t disturb the AWeber flow later. This section ended up being so long I put it into its own post. I‘ll summerize by saying that you create HTML code for “Buy Now” buttons in PayPal and insert them into your Website/Blog Pages. The buttons do three things A) transfer money to your PayPal Account, B) send the purchaser to a Web page that you designate and C) optionally subscribe the purchaser into one of your AWeber subscriber lists. You can read that post here (Adding a PayPal Buy Now Button Into Your Post.)
WordPress Setup – Plugins
I recommend a few FREE plugins to make this process easier.
- Duplicate Post – will make a copy of an existing Page or Post
- WP Hide Post – This will hide the Squeeze page from Google and People who search your site. It should only be available to people who are given the direct link.
- Toggle The Title – This allows you to put a Title in the title field when you are editing a page and see that title when you and working inside WordPress and NOT have that title show when the page is shown. It makes finding and editing pages much easier. (The title line always has a vertical black line beside it so we really don’t want it messing up our Squeeze Page)
- I also like to use Pretty Link Lite – This plug lets us create a short link (like and tell WordPress that when someone surfs to our website using that link, send to somewhere else. Pretty Link also counts how many times a link is used. This system has three obvious uses A) you can see how often a particular link is used, B) you can send visitors to one place today and change it tomorrow and send them somewhere else and C) you can create easy to remember links that take the place of long complex links.
WordPress Setup – Pages
Now you need to create your Squeeze Page for your Free Product and create a Sales Page for your paid product. The third page you will need is a “Thank You Page” that has a download link for your paid product. The last page we need is a generic “Thank You For Visiting” Page. We will send Leads to the “Thank You for Visiting” Page when they click on a “No Thanks” Link. We should have this option at the bottom of each Sales Page. I will show you samples of each later. We will end up with multiple copies of the Squeeze Page and at least three copies of the Sales Page, but we’ll get into that in a minute.
I talked about how to create a basic squeeze page in a earlier blog post.(Create a Squeeze Page). I also helped you create a cool looking button in a earlier post (Cool Button For You Squeeze Page).
We will need to add code from AWeber into the Squeeze Page before it is done, but we’ll cover that shortly.
First we need to create an AWeber List and get the Sign Up Form HTML code we will need to finish the Squeeze Page.
AWeber List Setup
I talk about this at some length in the blog post (Dr. Hale’s Multi-List System)
Here are the basics.
Note: You replicate this for each major niche you are working with. If you are targeting totally different audiences, you would not want to send them the same follow-up email sequence.
I am getting ready to talk about having two lists – one for your Free Offer and a Main List that contains the bulk of your Follow-up Email Sequence. Beginners often wonder “Why do you need two lists?” The answer shows up when you create your second Free Offer. How do you handle two different offers with one list? If you started with two lists, you just add a second Free Offer List and integrate it with the Main List in exactly the same way you hooked the first two lists together. The system works with one Free Offer or 50 Free Offers. (You do plan to grow don’t you?)
- I recommend having one master list that has your main email follow-up sequence. This gives you one place to add or replace individual emails. You have one place to fix typos and one place to change the P.S. if you want to target different things. Email 1 – sent on Day 0 is required by AWeber and it goes out as soon as a person subscribes to a list. The one from your Main List is very generic. You want it to work for any Free Offers you develop – eBooks, audios, email courses, videos, etc. The email says “The material you asked for is being delivered in a separate email. If you don’t see it, please check your SPAM folder. If you don’t find it, please contact me and I’ll make things right.” In the second email, on Day 1 send an email from the main list with “I hate to get emails from someone I don’t know and I’ll bet you do too. Let me tell you a little about who I am….” You need nothing from the Free Offer List on Day 1. On Day 2 you send nothing (from the main List), but you do send a “Resend: In case you missed the download email…” email from the Free Offer list.. On Day 3 you start your main sequence. The end result is that the subscriber gets two emails on Day 0 and one email each day from then on. (The Free Offer list only has two emails in it.)
- Create one list of each Free Offer that you create. Go to the “List Options” tab and find “List Automation.” Create a rule that automatically subscribes a user to your main list when they subscribe for your Free Offer list. AWeber will make sure the subscribers only go in the main list once. In the Free Offer List on Day 0 (again required by AWeber) you thank them for asking for Product XYZ. Here you are very specific. You give them a link to a sales page that includes both your down load link and a One-Time-Offer. If you don’t have a One-Time-Offer you can use the one line HTML trick to include a sales page for an affiliate offer. Click here to see a post about Using iFrames and Affiliate Sales pages. On Day 2 you send an email with “Resend:” in the subject line and duplicate your first email. Add this line at the top. “I sent this to you a couple of days ago, but in case it went astray, here it is again.” Again, I will show samples of these emails at the end of this post.
- Here is an advanced tip – create a template for your follow up sequence emails. You can read about Using Email Templates here.
- Advanced tip 2 – replace the P.S. with {!signature} and go edit the List options. Put the PS you want in the Signature Block on the second page – the Personalize Page. Now you can change what you are talking about in the signature block and all of your emails will reflect that change. This allows you to mention an upcoming product launch and then change it after the product launch is finished. Or mention a Webinar and change it once the Webinar is done. People on your list will be exposed to your message regardless of where they are in your sequence – and you only have to make the change in one place.
- I recommend (and most email marketing teachers I have read) recommend making the list a single opt-in list. You turn “Double Opt-in” OFF on the third page when creating (or editing) the list.
Sign-Up Form Setup In AWeber
We want a very basic form – all we really want is the fields where Leads fill in their information and a Submit Button. You can click on the little red X’s and erase all the other elements. We will paste this into your Sales Page. I covered this in this blog post.
AWeber Sign Up Forms Do Part of the “Moving Viewers to the Next Page” – Critical Point.
On the second page when creating the Sign Up Form you want to send the Leads to a Custom Page when the subscriber successfully signs up for your free offer. You send them to a Sales Page for your One-Time-Offer. At the top of this version of the Sales Pages you put “Thank you for asking for my Free Offer ABC. You should receive it in your email very soon.” This page does not need to have your Blog header and menu and should NOT have a download link to your product.
In AWeber there is another Option on the second page when you are creating a Sign Up Form. This option asks what to do with people who are already subscribed. I like to send Leads to the same page if they have signed up for my Free Offer before. I personally hate trying to get something and getting a message “You are already subscribed to this list!”
Example Sign Up Form Setup Page#1 – This is in the second Page of Sign Up Form creation – SETTINGS.
#2 – Title the Form so that YOU can remember what it is for.
#3 – Change this to Custom Form.
#4 – Enter the URL for your Thank You / One-Time-Offer Page. ***
#5 – Change this to Custom Form.
#6 – Enter the same URL you used for #4. ***
*** This is how subscribers move to the “Next” page – the OTO Sales page with a “Thank You” at the top.
When you get to the third page of the Sign Up Form Set Up, you copy the AWeber Sign Up HTML code and later you will paste it into your Squeeze Page.
Publish Sign Up Form – Copy HTML Code to Put In Your Squeeze Page
#1 – On the Publish Page (page 3 of the Sign Up Form Setup) – Click on ” I will Install My Form”
#2 – Click on RAW HTML Version
#3 – Highlight the HTML Code and Copy it to your clipboard (Ctrl-C, Cmd-C or Right Click–> Copy (Note DO NOT Paste this into MS Word – it will add codes and foul you up.)
NOTE: I am going to reference Small Grey Numbers. These refer to a Flow Chart you haven’t seen yet.
CREATING SQUEEZE PAGE (Small Grey 1 on the Flow Chart)
The Squeeze Page is where you offer to trade your Free Offer for the web visitor’s email address. Right now research is showing that VERY SIMPLE squeeze pages are working best.
As I mentioned above, I went through how to create a basic squeeze page in a earlier blog post.(Create a Squeeze Page). I also helped you create a cool looking button in a earlier post (Cool Button For You Squeeze Page). I’m not going to cover that material again here.
The One-Time-Offer Sales/ Thank You Page (Small Grey 2 on the Flow Chart)
The One-Time-Offer (OTO) / Thank You Sales Page is going to have a PayPal button on it that sends Subscribers to the OTO download page if they buy. It also needs to have a “No Thank You” link. This No Thank You link sends subscribers to a Generic Thank You Page that basically just says “Thank You for Visiting my Site.” You can have other offers on this page if you have them available. Again we will show samples soon.
The FLOW So Far
So far we have driven traffic to the Squeeze Page (Grey 1) and when the Lead supplied their email address they were sent to a Thank You Page that has your One-Time-Offer (OTO) – (Small Grey 2). The Sign Up Form created in AWeber did the sending when they successfully subscribed to your list for the free offer.
The One-Time-Offer Page has two places that it sends subscribers. The PayPal “Buy Now” button HTML will send them to a OTO-Download page (Small Grey 3) if they buy your EBook. The “No Thank You” link will send them to a generic “No Thank You – Thank You For Visiting” Page (Small Grey 6) if they decide not to buy. We place this link on the page right after the PayPal Button.
Since we are using two lists (a Free Offer List and a Main List), once a Lead subscribes to your list, AWeber automatically sent them two emails. One from each list. These are called Day 0 emails. The email from the main list says “Welcome, Look For Another Email” (Not shown on the Flow Chart, but it goes out at the same time as Small Gray 4). The email from the Free Offer list says “Welcome” and gives the visitors a link that goes to a Download PLUS Sales Page that is very similar to the one they saw as a One-Time Offer / Thank You Page.(Small Gray 5) This Sales/Download Page has a download link at the very top – before the One-Time-Offer. It also has a “No Thank You” link at the bottom. The “No Thank You” Link goes to a generic “Thank you for visiting” page (Small Grey 6).
Now We Add PayPal
I covered connecting PayPal with AWeber in a blog post. Adding a PayPal Buy Now Button to Your Blog Post.
Critical – Part of setting up the PayPal button is assigning a page the Subscriber should go to when they have successfully purchased your product. You set the button up so that it will send your purchasers to your OTO Download page. (Small Grey 3) When you insert the PayPal button into your Sales Page, it provides the link to the OTO- Download page. Just like AWeber, PayPal provides one of the “move to the next page” pieces. You use the PayPal App inside AWeber to tell PayPal to subscribe the purchaser to a Purchaser’s List. Emails from this list provide another link to the OTO Download Page.
Now Let’s look at this in a diagram.
Sales Funnel Diagram – An Information Flow Chart
Here is the Whole Flow
#1 – The AWeber Sign Up Form on the Squeeze Page sends subscribers from the Squeeze Page (Grey 1) to the OTO Sales/ Thank You Page (Grey 2) upon successful subscription. It also sends them there if they were already subscribed. (This OTO Page does not have a Free Offer Download Link. We don’t know if they gave us a good email address – yet.)
#2 – On the OTO Page, if subscribers buy using the PayPal Button – the Button sends them to the OTO Download Page (Grey 3). The PayPal Button has also subscribed them to our buyers list. Note that there are two places (Grey 2 and Grey 5) where the same PayPal button sends subscribers to the same OTO Download Page.
NOTE: You will often have a third version of the OTO Sales Page. This is NOT a One-Time-Offer, it is a full retail offer. When you put ads on your own site you will charge more than you do for the One-Time-Offer. This page needs a different PayPal Buy Now Button set up to charge more. The button sends visitors who buy to the same OTO Download Page (Grey 3) that our first Buy Now Buttons used.
#3 – When Leads subscribed on our squeeze page they automatically got emails from AWeber. The one from the Free Offer List (Grey 4) has a Welcome Message AND a link to a copy of the One-Time-Offer page (Grey 5) that also has a link to download the Free Offer.
Note: There are three very similar pages you use to sell your paid product.
- The top of the OTO Offer Grey 2 has “Thank you for asking for my Free Offer XYZ – It will arrive in your Email”
- The top of the OTO Offer Grey 5 has “Thank you for asking for my Free Offer XYZ – Here is your download Link”
- The third page offering to sell your paid product does not mention the Free product at all.
#4 – The AWeber Email for Day 0 and Day 2 contain a link to the Free Offer Download Page/OTO Sales Page (Grey 5) (This is the same as the other OTO Sales Page, except it has a download link in it.) Note: we could just supply a Download link in the email. That is simpler, but why not take a second shot at selling our paid product. You can also use this page when you do JVGiveaways.
#5 – The OTO Sales Pages (Grey 2 and 5) each have a link under the PayPal button that says “No Thank You.” This link takes them to a Generic “Thank You For Visiting My Site” page (Grey 6). You may have other items that might interest the subscriber here.
#6 & #7 – The PayPayl Buy Now Button also initiates a subscription to a Buyer’s list. The Day 0 and Day 2 emails from this list provide a link to the OTO Download Page.
Multiple Copies of the Squeeze Page
Here is where the plugin “Duplicate Post” comes in very handy. I end up with several copies of my Squeeze page (Grey 1). To create a new one I just find the existing one in my list of posts and click on the “Clone” option. Now I have a second copy that is a draft.
I edit the draft and change a few things:
- I change the perma-link – right under the title.
- I change the title to say what this new copy is for (The Toggle The Title plugin make sure this title is not shown to blog visitors.)
- I change the SEO title at the bottom under the text editor section.
- I may change the page style template choice and remove the Blog Header and Menu Options. (Difference themes handle this in different ways. Basically you are going to choose a different template. The one without a header is often called a landing page. My current theme requires that I choose landing page from the right panel and choose a template that does not include a sidebar from a section under the text editor section.)
What the different Copies of the Squeeze Page Are For:
- Squeeze Page With Blog Header (Grey 2)– Send traffic to this one when using Facebook and YouTube PPC and Google Ad Sense. Facebook and Google like viewers to see that the sales page is part of a larger entity.
- Squeeze Page Without Blog Header (Different version of Grey 2) – use this version of the page for Solo Ads and JVGiveaways. The rules are much more relaxed and you really want your leads to only have one option – sign up or not.
- Copies of either one – AWeber records which page a subscriber signed up on. By having duplicate pages with different URLs, you can track which ad campaign a subscriber came from. Just have a different page (with a different permalink name) for each ad campaign.
Multiple Copies of the OTO or Paid Offer Sales Page (Grey 3 and Grey 5)
What are these for? (We’ve been talking about this above, but I’ll go over it again.)
- The first one is a One-Time-Offer page (Grey 2) that the Lead sees right after they subscribed to a list in order to get a Free Offer. This is where the subscriber first sees our One-Time-Offer. The text at the top of this page says “Thank you for asking for our Free Offer XYZ. Check your email. It will be sent to you soon. BTW You might be interested in…”
- The second version of the Sales Page (Grey 5) has a little more text at the top. It says “Thank You for asking for my Free Offer XYZ. Here is your download link. BTW in case you missed it, here is our One-Time-Offer for subscribers who asked for our XYZ Free Offer. (The price here is much lower than it is on our website.)”
- The Third one is a stand-alone page. It is just an offer for the eBook at full retail price.
What To Do With Copy #3
The third copy should go on your blog somewhere – a resources page or a products page. This services two purposes. 1) Subscribers who said NO originally can come back and buy if they decide later they really DO NEED the information you are selling. They will pay more, but they were told the One-Time-Offer was a deal.” 2) You can say on the One-Time-Offer page “This product normally sells on my website for $xx.xx. You are getting it here for only $yy.yy.“
Another Use for Copy #2 – JV Giveaways
If you take part in JV Giveaways, they will ask you for a direct link to download your free offer, bypassing the sign up page. Paying Contributors to the JV Giveaway are allowed to download the offerings of other contributors without signing up for for a mailing list. Here you can give them a link to a page that has the download AND has an offer to buy your paid product. This way you may get a sale from other contributors who were interested enough in your free offer to ask to download it. If you just give them a link to a PDF file on the net, you have NO CHANCE to make an immediate sale.
EXAMPLES of the Pages
Here we are on out third pass through this system. Now I will show you examples of each page I described above.
Here are two example Squeeze pages. Visitors reach these pages through links in Ads you place. They can be any one of a number of places – including your own website.
- This one has no blog header or menu. Use this for places like Solo Ads and JV Giveaways
- Number 2 has a blog header and menu. Use this for places like Facebook or Google PPC
#1 Squeeze Page with No Blog Header – Solo Ads and JVGiveaways (Grey 1)
#2 The Same Squeeze Page with a Blog Header and Menu – Use for Facebook and Google PPC (Grey 1)
One Time Offer Pages (Grey 2)
None of these pages have blog headers. We don’t advertise to PPC systems with these pages. We don’t want potential purchasers to wander off of these pages.
- One-Time-Offer / Thank You Page after a Free Offer Squeeze Page – No Download link (Grey 2). This is a “Thank You, Check Your Email and By-The-Way you might be interested in this while you are here” page. Visitors reach this page when they submit the AWeber Sign Up form with their email address. The URL is set in AWeber when the Sign Up form is created, so the subscriber from the Squeeze Page (Grey 2) to the OTO Page (Grey 3) by AWeber HTML code.
- One-Time-Offer / Download Page after first Email (Grey 4) – this one does have the download link. It also has the “Thank You and By-The-Way you might be interested in this while your are here” message. The visitor reaches this page by clicking on a link in the Day 0 or the Day 2 Follow Up Sequence Emails sent by AWeber. You create these links in the Drag and Drop Editor in AWeber when you craft the emails.
- The Same eBook Offered at Full Retail – this version does not have anything to do with a Free Offer download. Visitors reach this page by seeing an ad on your website and clicking on a link.
#1 – OTO / Thank You Page – After AWeber Magic Squeeze Page (Grey 1) Sign Up Form Submitted (Grey 2)#2 – AWeber Magic OTO AWeber Unleashed / Download Page for AWeber Magic – Link From Email Day 0 (Grey 5)
#3 – Standalone Full Retail Sales Page – Visitors click a Ad Link on Your Website (Not on Flow Chart)
Sample Autoresponder Follow-up Sequence Emails (Grey 4)
There are three sample emails here.
- Main List – Generic (very generic) – This comes from your Main list. It has a “Welcome to my list – check for another email with the material I promised.” message. It is sent as soon as a Lead subscribes to your Free Offer List and AWeber’s automation automatically subscribes them to the main list. (This email is not shown on the Flow Chart.)
- Specific email from a Free Offer List on Day 0 (Grey 4)– as soon as a Lead subscribes to your list. This has another welcome message and a description of the product they asked for and a link to a Download Page. This download page also has the same One-Time-Offer (Grey 5) they saw when they submitted their Sign Up Form (Grey 2). They may have had second thoughts. This page can also be used with JVGiveaways as the “Direct Download Link Page.” You might get a sale from another paid contributor.
- This is a repeat of #2. (Grey 4) It is sent on Day 2. (NOTE: This is the LAST EMAIL the Free Offer list sends.)
Subject Line: HalePringl
Sample Email from Main Email List (Not on the Flow Chart)
Subject: HalePringl
#1 – Day 0 Email from Main List (Grey 4)
Subject: Resend: HalePringl
Day 2 – Free Offer Email – Resend (Grey 4)Download Page for AWeber Unleashed and the Two Bonus Pages (Grey 3)
Subscribers reach this page when they buy the eBook using a PayPal “Buy Now” button. The link is set in PayPal when you create the Buy Now Button. There are two copies of the button. One button is for the One-Time-Offer (Grey 2 and Grey 5) price and the other is for the Full Retail (Not shown) price. They both send the purchaser to the same download page. (Grey 3)
Paid Product (OTO) Download Page (Grey 3)In the middle of this page I have included another offer. This is an affiliate link. It is just a sample.
The very bottom of this page has a “No Thank You” link which takes the person to a generic Thank You For Visiting page.
Here is the bottom part of the One-Time-Offer download page. I have included an iFrame that contains another offer. The iFrame contains an Affiliate link page. See this Blog Post for a description of how easy this is to do. (Using an iFrame to show an Affiliate Sales Page)
Bottom of OTO Download Page (Grey 3)
At the very bottom of the page is a “No Thank You” Link. This link takes the purchaser to a very generic Thank You Page. (Grey 6) I included the sidebar and top menu here. Who knows they may wander and find that they like the site.
Generic Thank You For Visiting Page (Grey 6)
Email From the Buyers List for AWeber Unleashed (Grey7)
The PayPal App in AWeber and PayPal can subscriber your purchaser to a special OTO Buyer’s list (#6). You create a Day 0 and Day 2 email for this list, just like you did about. This email (#7) thanks them for purchasing the eBook and gives them a link to the OTO Download page (Grey 3).
Note: As I mentioned back a ways, you should always provide an email with a link to the download page.
The Top of the AWeber Unleashed Email Sequence Day 0 Email – Link to OTO Download Page (Grey7) –
Conclusion Internet Marketing Sales Funnel Flow As Shown On Our Sales Funnel Diagram
This is a tough topic to teach. I hope that one of my three passes through the system I am using rang a bell with you. Once you understand the pieces, you can change them to fit your needs. The system just described has multiple copies of a Squeeze page for your Free Offer, three different copies of the Sales Page for the product you will sell, three different AWeber lists (Free Offer, Buyers, and Main List), two PayPal buttons (one for the OTO price and one for full retail) and a generic Thank You for Visiting Page. That is a lot of pieces. When you add the fact that you move between then pages using Web Page links, email links, AWeber sign up forms and PayPal buttons it is no wonder that it is hard to get a grasp on creating Sales Funnels. A Sales Funnel Diagram just isn’t enough to do this kind of system justice.
Until next time, you have a Great Day! Oh Hale Yes! 🙂
↓ ↓ If this post gave you some ideas – Go ahead & comment below. ↓ ↓
Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!
Skype hale.pringle
Connect with me of Google+, Facebook or Twitter
P.S. If you are working to move your business online and it all seems overwhelming, I can help! Take a look around You will see that I specialize in list building and and am an award winning blogger. I’ve also written three books on AWeber (AWeber: Quick Start) You can email me or give me a Skype call. I’ll give you the benefit of my years of experience and many thousands of dollars in training and searching the rabbit hole called Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. Add that to the finest mentoring on the Internet (Ann Sieg’s Daily Marketing Coach) and you have a Winner!
Here is the bottom part of the One-Time-Offer download page. I have included an iFrame that contains another offer. The iFrame contains an Affiliate link page. See this Blog Post for a description of how easy this is to do. XXXXXXX
WOW is all I can say Dr. Hale. This post delivers…. thanks for your ongoing contribution to online marketers.
Curt Johnson recently posted..MLM Blog: MLM Coach Curt Comments: Merry Christmas â The Gift of Narrow Mindedness
Hey Hale,
All I have to say is wow! You laid out some great detail on how to create an effective sales funnel from the first step using your blog/website to actually getting the sale! This post will definitely be a great reference for all of us that have home businesses! Thanks for sharing this valuable info.
Sherman Smith recently posted..How Do You Get Searched
WOW is right!!!!!! This article really helped me wrap my head around the sequence of making an organized Marketing System using Sales Funnels. THANKS!
Thank you Kay.
I really appreciate you comment and love the fact that this post nailed the dragon you were fighting. I’ve fought the same problem and just knew that others were struggling with the same problem.
Dr. Hale
Dr. Hale!
Did you explain how to make a page stand completely on its own in WordPress? Is there a design we should choose? Every page we create has a side bar w/ links, Recent Posts, Archives, etc. And we can’t run a sales campaign w/ navigation on the top & sidebars!!
Thanks for the help!
Most themes have several templates you can choose from before you publish a page. The option is either a dropdown menu on the right sidebar or some squares showing page layout that is under the text when you edit the page. Choose the full page option.
Hi there, juѕt wanted to say, I loved this blog post.
It was inspiring. Keep on posting!
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Hi, thank you so much. Really liked the post. Reflects all the key points with no fluff at all. I believe it will be extremely useful for anyone who wants to create an awesome sales funnel and increase conversions.