For Print of Demand sellers who use Gearbubble – You are usually interested in checking your Gearbubble Daily Sales fairly regularly. (The usual answer to the question “How often do you check?” is “Way too many times!” 🙂 )
For one thing you want to see the number, for another you want to make sure that ads are running the way you think they should be. For example if you start an Ad and the next day you see that the product on Gearbubble has ZERO views, it is time to double check that the ad is actually running.
Here is an easy and quick way to check your Gearbubble Daily Sales on your phone.
- Install Chrome – it won’t be your default browser on most phones.
- Navigate to and log-in. You will stay logged in for days and perhaps even weeks, so this is not something you need to do over and over.
- Click on the Reports tab and view the number.
- The next time you open Chrome, drag your finger down the screen. You should see a small spinner in the upper middle of your screen. This means that the screen is refreshing. Until you refresh, you will be looking at the same screen that was showing when you last looked.
Gearbubble Daily Sales Screenshots
The small number at the top indicates how many screens you have open in Chrome.
If you click the large Circle, you will see which items sold today or yesterday (or during the last 7 days, 28 days or lifetime). You can also choose to sort the items by the number of views they had.
If you are not looking at the Gearbubble screen, you can click on that number and see a screen like this.
Here we see that there are two screens available. You can choose which one you want by touching the bar across the top of the screen (pointed to by two of the arrows). You can also close screens by touching the small X.
If you are looking at the Gearbubble screen, drag your finger down (or touch the Reports button).
You will see the spinner at the top and the blue bar above it will move from left to right. Once the blue bar has gone all the way across you screen you will be looking at the current number.
Simple and quick – just the way we like it.
I hope this tip will help you Check Your Gearbubble Daily Sales more often.
Have a great day – Oh Hale Yes.
BTW – here is a post that lists several other posts that have to do with Gearbubble, Photoshop Elements and AWeber on Gearbubble. Click here.
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