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Do You Blog Better than Ray Higdon?
I’m betting that you answered NO.
Ray Higdon is the number one blogger in the niche for home based businesses, especially network marketing business. He gets over One million visitors per month, 22,000 of them are unique.
So the next question is “Do you want that kind of traffic?”
I’m betting the answer here is “YES”
My post today is short and sweet. I’m going to tell you how he does it.
Note: My mission is to help Network Marketers who are struggling to move online, especially those buried by overwhelm. You will find information that will HELP you find leads and access to the finest mentoring system on the Internet today (Ann Sieg’s Renegade Team and Inner Circle). You will learn how to avoid the bright shiny things, effectively use blogging, Facebook and LinkedIn, A free 30 minute coaching call is yours for the asking. Take action today! When you are ready Join the Team
Getting Traffic Like Ray Higdon
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Oh heck. This isn’t a secret at all.
He has blogged about it, spent a whole session in the Pro Blog Academy about it and will tell anyone who will listen.
Ray gets his traffic by 1) being consistent 2) delivering congruent content that is very relevant to his readers and 3) promoting each an every post using a step-by-step system that involves posting on Facebook, using pixlepipe.com and others.
I see MANY bloggers working VERY hard to carry out the first two and ignoring the third.
It takes ALL THREE!.
You can see Ray Higdon‘s whole sequence and a link to one of his blog posts about this topic here. Ray Higdon and the other top bloggers tell us what they do to drive traffic to their blog.
That’s it. Ray Higdon promotes his posts. You should too.
Until next time, you have a Great Day!
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Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!
Skype hale.pringle
Email: HaleYes@HalePringle.com
For Free 1/2 hour coaching call: Work with Hale
Work with me now: Join the Renegade Team Training System
P.S. If you are working to move your business online and it all seems overwhelming, I can help! Take a look at http://HalePringle.com, or sign up for the free coaching call. You can email me or give me a Skype call. I’ll give you the benefit of my years of experience and many thousands of dollars in training and searching the rabbit hole called Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. I can help you with Lead Generation, the feeling of overwhelm, blogging, and even career change. Add that to the finest mentoring on the Internet (Ann Sieg’s Team and Inner Circle) and you have a Winner!
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