Darn! I Just Can’t Concentrate? Change
Your Environment!
Can’t Concentrate? Can’t “get in the mood?”
Can’t “get your mojo going?” “I can work on
anything, but that darn report!” Sound familiar?
You find yourself thinking “I’m a seasoned professional!
I can make myself do this! There is no reason
that I can’t concentrate on this darn report!”
There may be a VERY simple salution to increasing
your productivity and reducing your stress.
We all know this, but sometimes we forget. For example
“Why won’t the car start?” is a generic question and very
difficult to answer without more information.
“Does the car have any fuel?” Is a Yes/No question that
will solve the problem if the answer is NO. So what does
this have to do with concentration?
Environment Has a Massive Influence on You
When we can’t concentrate or can’t get in the mood to work on
something, we tend to ask ourselves questions like “Why can’t I
get into this today?” “What’s wrong with me?” “Why can’t I buckle
down and work on this?” Sometimes you can’t solve the problem
regardless of how you answer these questions.
Let’s do a little mind exercise. Think about your dream team
problem solvers. Pick, oh say five people. Get them firmly in mind.
Now pick a problem that has been bothering you a work for a while.
You know that these people, working together can solve just about
Now imagine them in a very small windowless room. The lights are
too bright, the chairs are too hard, there is a busy airport just outside
the door and it is too hot for words. Got the picture? They can’t concentrate.
They can’t get along. They certainly can’t solve the problem. Doesn’t just
thinking about it make you tense?
Now imagine them in the best environment you can think of for problem
solving. Doesm’t your tension level drop just imagining these people in a
better place.
When Your Mind Can’t Concentrate
Your mind (and body) may be telling you that as far as they are
concerned you are in the wrong place. We tend to think that
“my office is where I work.” That is just the way things are. For
most kinds of work that is probably okay. You get into a groove
and you can really perform your normal functions well in that
On the other hand, there are things that are outside your normal
groove and your mind trying to both drop into your normal
groove AND drop into report writing mode or grant writing mode
or staff evaluation mode may just drive you crazy.
The Solution to Can’t Concentrate
Often times the solution is change your environment.
Now don’t tell me you can’t, because you can. Think outside the box.
Is there a conference room you can “borrow?” Is there a corner in
the cafeteria you can hole up in? Is there a waiting room? Can’t you
go to the cafe down the street? Can you bring a different kind of
chair into your office and set the corner up as a “thinking spot?”
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