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Bloggers – You Can Create Free
Reports in Less than 30 Minutes
Create Free Reports before your coffee gets cold.
Do your need free traffic for your blog? Are you looking around for bonuses to add to your offers? Do you need something to add pizazz to a post in a forum? Do you need material for a really show stopping Resource Page on your blog?
Here’s how to create free reports from something you already have – your blog. Make your existing assets 10 times more useful. that is a 1000% gain.
Remember that post you sweated on? The really great one that turned out to be a Loooonnng post?
Turn that post into a Free White Paper or a Free Guide – in minutes.
Note: My mission is to help Network Marketers who are struggling to move online, especially those buried by overwhelm. You will find information that will HELP you find leads and access to the finest mentoring system on the Internet today (Ann Sieg’s Renegade Team and Inner Circle). You will learn how to avoid the bright shiny things, effectively use blogging, Facebook and LinkedIn, A free 30 minute coaching call is yours for the asking. Take action today! When you are ready Join the Team
Do you Write Long Blog Posts Now and Then?
You Should! Here’s why.
There are a couple of reasons.
- They become your “Pillar Pieces.” These are major works that define YOU and your blog.
These are things that every new reader SHOULD read on your blog. It’s where you REALLY help people in your niche. - You can use them to create Free Reports (or Guides or eBooks or White Papers) very quickly with monster results.
10 Reasons to Create Free Reports?
I knew you’d ask WHY? Here are 10 different uses for your re-purposed material. Note: Almost all of these should link to a squeeze page where people sign up for your list in order to get the “Free Report”. Be careful of your Autoresponder saying “You’ve already signed up” You WANT your regulars to get these free reports. It is called “caring for your list.”
- They can be bonuses for other offers.
- They can go on a Resources Page in your Blog as free downloads
- They can be part of a bundle.
- They can be offered up in other blog posts when you are talking about the point that the eBook was focused on. (Think about this one. Instead of sending them to another post, you can send them to the same material, but they need to sign up to get it. They said “I’m interested by clicking on the link in your post.)
- You can offer them on forums as free material (Jason has one on the Warrior Forum that has added 7,000 people to his list in two years – all from a single post. In particular he talks about the War Room.)
- You can send them to free eBook distribution sites. (Here are some good Free Ebook Sites.
http://E-Library.net) - Free “Unannounced Bonuses” on your Thank You Page.
- You can give them to other people to give away (as long as your links are still inside.)
- You can use them as the basis for a webinar or a YouTube Video.
- There are monster JVGIveaway Events going on all the time. You can contribute yours. See http://www.wpoptins.info/jvgiveaways (BTW, you can get good PLR material from these give away events.)
Since you are already working hard to pick blog post topics that really meet your target audience’s needs, you should already have this material.
The Key Word is “If You Want To” You don’t want to do this for every short post.
Create Free Reports Quickly – Re-purpose
Write your longer posts with re-purposing in mind.
Since a number of my posts are rather long that worked for me.
I used this technique on how to Create Free Reports to turn my Copywriting post
into a Beginners Guide in 30 minutes from sitting down at the computer to testing the link.
Now that I have the template, it is even faster.
WOW! – One new resource in 30 minutes.
You can see this Beginner’s guide here:
Before you start
This is a chicken and egg situation. You need to make sure you have a couple of Free Offers or Paid Offers with Squeeze pages set up. You want links in every product you create that take people to places where they can sign up for your list.
After you have a few Resources that visitor can click on, create a Template Document.
Template Document
- Page 1 – Just put the words “COVER IMAGE GOES HERE” I put “Written by Dr. Hale Pringle Copyright 2012” at the bottom.
- Page 2 – Find a legal disclaimer page that seems complete.
- Page 3 – I put a bio page with my picture and a little “About Hale”
- Optional Page – if your document is really long add an index.
- Page 4 or 5- Just put the words
BODY GOES HERE” - Page 5 or 6 – This is your Resources page(s). Have things people can click on. Make sure they link to a squeeze page so you can capture their name and address!
NOTE: I suggest you put a VERSION # on these pages to. It makes it easy to see if you updated the Resources when you have more resources and you go back to update older documents. - Insert a Header for each page – except number 1 (I like putting the title of the eBook here)
- Insert a Footer for each page – except the first (I put my name, my website and page numbers)
- Short lines read better. I often set the right margin to 2.5 inches.
- Consider putting a box border around each page (except the first)
- Consider putting “SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS” in the document. If it goes viral, you will get some people clicking on your internal links – bingo new people on your list.
- I suggest creating a template Squeeze page in your blog. It makes it easier to add a new free product.
- You will also need a template Thank You Page
- Last but not least you should have a template one-off email that will be sent thanking the visitor for downloading this free offer.
The Formula for New eBooks/Guides/Reports.
- Find or make a cover image – get it from Fiverr.com, search for free PSD files, re-purpose a cover from a PLR book you own that allows you to use as you see fit, use PowerPoint or go to sites like http://MyeBookCover.com. This actually took the most time for my example.
- Copy and paste your Post into A COPY of your template document.
- Edit to taste.
- Update the Header line
- Update the Footer line.
- Always update the Version number when you make changes. When you are talking to people later you can send them the “NEW” version when you find that they have an “old” version.
- Make sure that there are Calls To Action in the eBook. If there were Calls to Action in your post, make sure they work.
- Upload to your server as a media file. Be sure to copy and paste the link so you can use it in your Squeeze page.
- Create the Thank You Page for Your Free Download – this is where the download link will be.
- Create the one-off email that will be sent to visitors who download the file.
- Create a webform for your Squeeze Page (in the “Advanced” section of the second page of creating your webform, direct aWeber to send your one-off email).
- Create a Squeeze Page for your Free Download. Get them on your list. (Note: I like the plugin Pretty Link Lite. I can create short like (e.g. HalePringle.com/copywriting) for the document and use this in my squeeze page. As I upload new copies I just have to change the “real” link in the Pretty Link Lite Settings Page.)
- Update the Resources Page (and version number) with the new eBook/Guide. It is nice to use a thumbnail of the Cover. Be SURE to point at the Squeeze Page.
- Consider updating your older documents with the new Resources Page. This is probably not worth doing EVERY time, but when you get 3 or 4 new ones I would take the time. If people like the eBook they get, they are likely to download something else. This is good service to them.
- Update the Resources Page on your blog.
- Consider submitting to Free eBook Sites (see the section on Kim Roach on using Free eBook sites when you Create Free Reports)
- Consider submitting a post on the Warrior Forum (Special Offers) – read more about using the Warrior Forum when you Create Free Reports)
- Consider posting your FREE REPORT offer on FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and/or YouTube.
- Really consider submitting your FREE REPORT to a JVGIveaway event (
- Don’t sweat the small stuff – bang them out and get on with writing better new stuff. :
How to Include Your Free Offer in aWeber
Since this is trickier than it looks, I thought I’d walk you through it.
I’m assuming that your have an autoresponder set of follow-up emails already created. I have two that are nearly identical. The only difference is that one starts on day 0 (immediately when a person opts-in giving me their email address and one that starts 3 days after they optin.
I use the second one for business cards I collect in face to face meetings. The delay gives me time to send them a personal message. I also use the second one for my Free Download Offers. I send them a custom email and then a couple of days later the normal sequence starts.
- Create a Free Download eBook/Report/Guide etc. and upload to your server.
- Create Custom Thank You Page in your blog (e.g. Thank-you-Repurpose-posts)
- Be sure to mark this page as invisible – not in search engine and not in your menu system
- Put the link to your download on this page.
- Make the name descriptive. You’ll need it in aWeber and yourself later.
- Use this page to tell people what is coming and OTO or Up-Sell
- Create an aWeber Follow up Message – set for 999 days after previous message. This means it won’t go unless you specifically tell aWeber to send it.
- You Do NOT want it in the sequence
- Give them a link to the Thank You Page here in case them missed the original.
- Tell them what is coming in your sequence
- A lot of this is a duplicate of the Thank You Page.
- Be sure to tell them who you are and where the email came from. People forget what they clicked on.
- Create aWeber Webform (I kill everything except the name/email and special button. (e.g. Repurpose-blog-posts)
- Choose “Custom” in the Thank You Page drop-down and send to Custom Thank You Page you created in step 2. (This is why you created the Thank You Page first. aWeber will check to see if the page really exists and verify that your spelling and syntax is correct.)
- Choose “Custom” in the Already Subscribed drop-down and send them to same place (If you don’t do this, people who are already on your list will get “Already Subscribed” and will NOT be able to download your free product.)
- Choose Advanced Settings and Click on “Start on Page” – choose the aWeber Follow up Message created in step 3 above.
- Create Custom Squeeze Page e.g. Welcome Repurpose Blog Posts.
- Mark this so that it doesn’t appear in your menus or in the Search Engines
- Insert the aWeber WebForm code for obtaining name/email form in this page
In your ad you direct them to the Squeeze Page. One option in forums is to just about duplicate the squeeze page in the forum. The link takes them to the real squeeze page.
Once visitors optin they get the followup that was created especially for this offer. It reiterates the offer and the download link.
They will be directed to the Special Thank You Page (Even if they are already subscribed to your list) On that page you give them the download link and OTO or Upsell.
After a couple of days they will start getting your regular autoresponder emails.
One Final Note
Again, make sure that you don’t limit people to one Free Product. It annoys the heck out of me when I say “I want that” and then aWeber or GetRepsonse say “You are already subscribed.” If it annoys me, it annoys my customers. Convert the Already Subscribed link to “Custom” and send them to the same Thank You page that new responders were sent to.
Create Free Reports and get at least 10 times the value out of every major post you write in your blog, with just a little extra work!
There you have it – How to Create Free Reports -in 30 Minutes or Less.
Until next time, you have a Great Day!
↓ ↓ If this post gave you some ideas – Go ahead & comment below. ↓ ↓
Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!
Skype hale.pringle
Email: HaleYes@HalePringle.com
For Free 1/2 hour coaching call: Work with Hale
Work with me now: Join the Renegade Team Training System
P.S. If you are working to move your business online and it all seems overwhelming, I can help! Take a look at http://HalePringle.com, or sign up for the free coaching call. You can email me or give me a Skype call. I’ll give you the benefit of my years of experience and many thousands of dollars in training and searching the rabbit hole called Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. I can help you with Lead Generation, the feeling of overwhelm, blogging, and even career change. Add that to the finest mentoring on the Internet (Ann Sieg’s Team and Inner Circle) and you have a Winner!
– Create Free Reports in 30 minutes or less.
[…] of assets you already have with very little effort. I’m talking about re-purposing your valuable blog posts and creating eB00k or […]