AWeber Tip – WordPress 3.9 And The AWeber Sign Up Forms Problem

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Here is an AWeber Tip for Dealing with WordPress Version 3.9 and AWeber Sign Up Form Problems.  AWeber Sign Up Forms are not designed for WordPress.  It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.  The problem became MUCH worse with version 3.9 of WordPress.



Until nex

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Here is an AWeber Tip for Dealing with WordPress Version 3.9 and AWeber Sign Up Form Problems.  AWeber Sign Up Forms are not designed for WordPress.  It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.  The problem became MUCH worse – See more at:

AWeber Sign Up Forms ProblemHere is an AWeber Tip for Dealing with WordPress Version 3.9 and the AWeber Sign Up Forms Problem.  AWeber Sign Up Forms are not designed for WordPress.  It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.  The problem became MUCH worse when they recently rolled out version 3.9 of WordPress.

The Standard Way of Handling The AWeber Sign Up Forms Problem in WordPress

If you have used WordPress and AWeber at all you have probably seen the phrase "Copy and Paste Your AWeber HTML code into this text box".   Virtually every Squeeze Page Generator gave up on using the AWeber code directly.  It just didn't work well. The author's  had parse the AWeber code in order to deal with the AWeber Sign Up Forms problem.  I'll confess I've never seen a page with a native AWeber Sign Up form on it.  I'm sure a few slipped by me, but I'm also sure that there weren't many.

Having written 3 eBooks on AWeber (See AWeber Quick Start, AWeber Magic and AWeber Unleashed), I've wrestled with this issue many times.  I've often wondered (and often asked their help desk) why we couldn't get a sign up form where the HTML code did have the problems we face using WordPress.

Prior to version 3.9 of WordPress you could insert an AWeber form into a WordPress page in the HTML editor.  When you switched to Visual mode, it would look funny (colors and borders were gone.)  Saving the form as a draft would restore the colors and the functionality.  You can edit the form (carefully) to remove some of the blank lines, but not all of them.  The blank problem stems from the fact that AWeber incloses every line in a <div> </div>. WordPress created a blank line between each <div> section.  The result was a LABEL and a blank line, followed by a TEXT FIELD and another blank line and so on.  What could have been five lines (two labels, two text fields and a button) became 8 lines.  Since we are trying to keep the Sign Up Form "above the fold" and looking pretty, this stretched out version was a problem.

Enter Version 3.9 of WordPress and A More Severe AWeber Sign Up Forms Problem

The new version of WordPress still allows you to paste the HTML code into the text version of the editor.  If you are willing to forgo editing the form and ever using the Visual editor you can still using the TinyMCE Advanced editor.  This editor has been "the standard" for many WordPress users for years.  Parts of it are built in as the native editor in WordPress.  Coding in straight HTML all the time just isn't an option for most people.  Some of us, who have been around for a while, can do it.  On the other hand, most of us don't want to!.  The old code-it-and-compile-it to see what you have has been replaced by the WYSIWYG  (What You See IS What You Get) standard decades ago.

A Solution to the AWeber Sign Up Forms Problem

A replacement plugin called CDEditor solves the problem.  It does not strip the code.

Note: You do have to go to the Advanced Options and uncheck several option that add line breaks in order to edit your AWeber code.  On the other hand, once you have done that you actually get a better AWeber form than I was ever able to get with TinyMCE Advanced.

CKEditor Advanced Options

CKEditro Advanced Options

Remove the check marked in these boxes.

I like the TinyMCE Advanced Editor, I really do.  There are some quirks, but I'm used to it.  However until they solve the stripping problem, I will use the CKeditor when working on simple Squeeze Pages.

I will continue to activate the TinyMCE Advanced plugin when I am writing posts and pages and only use the CKEditor when I am working on simple Squeeze Pages, but for now – the CKEditor is my editor of choice for Simple Squeeze Pages.

Editing Simple Squeeze Pages is discussed in my free eBook AWeber Quick Start.

(I have had one instance when the Publish button did not work.  I went to text mode and saved the draft.  Then I went to plugins and disabled the CKEditor.  Once I opened the page again (in the basic editor, I could Publish the document.  i did stay in Text Mode.)

CKEditor Publish Button Problem

NOTE:  I have had an issue that sometimes the PUBLISH button does not activate – it won't work.    Here is a solution. 

  1. Save Your Draft
  2. Click on the PAGES menu option on the left side of WordPress
  3. Find the draft
  4. Click on Qucik Edit
  5. Change the drop down menu to Published
  6. Click the Update button there.


There you have it – a way to solve the AWeber Sign Up Forms Problem

Until Next time, you have a Great Day!  Oh Hale Yes!

↓ ↓ If this post gave you some ideas – Go ahead & comment below.  ↓ ↓

Hale Pringle

Hale Pringle Ed. D.

Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!


Skype hale.pringle



Connect with me of Google+, Facebook or Twitter

P.S. If you are working to move your business online and it all seems overwhelming, I can help! My team and I are currently working with best “Earn Money Quickly From Home” Program I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen them ALL!) I strongly urge you to take a look at You can also take a look around, especially the resources menu option. You will see that I specialize in list building, a Certified Trainer with Ann Sieg and am an award winning blogger. I’ve also written three books on AWeber (AWeber: Quick Start) and over 20 others. You can email me or give me a Skype call. I’ll give you the benefit of my years of experience and many thousands of dollars in training and searching the rabbit hole called Internet Marketing and Network Marketing.

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About Hale Pringle

Dr. Hale is an Internet Entrepreneur and Network
Marketing expert. His greatest pleasure is
helping people and he does just that, drawing
upon the immense resources that he has gathered
over the years in his unquenchable thirst for

Dr. Hale lives in beautiful, sunny Florida with
his wife, two dogs and a cat. His four children
are grown and are scattered around the state.

An eternal optimist you will hear him say
regularly: “Is this a Great Day?” The answer is
always, “Hale Yes!”

If you need help with your online marketing or a
network marketing opportunity Dr. Hale is the go
to man. “Hale Yes!”


  1. […] post AWeber Tip – WordPress 3.9 And The AWeber Sign Up Forms Problem appeared first on Hale Pringle | Blogging and List Building – The Fortune IS in the LIST! […]

  2. […] 3.9, you will need the CKEditor plugin if you plan to edit pages with AWeber HTML code in it. (See Problems Created by WordPress for AWeber Forms)   You need to click on the CKEditor menu near the bottom of the left column menu in WordPress […]

  3. […] will strip out most of the AWeber functionality. See this blog post to discuss this in more detail    Activate this plugin (and deactivate TinyMCE Advanced) before you start to edit a page with […]

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