AWeber Tip – Would you invest 32 keystrokes to double broadcast email open rates for your promotional emails?
No it’s not a trick question. 🙂
Usually broadcast emails are sent for a time sensitive matter. You want as many of your subscribers to know about a sale or an upcoming Webinar or something similar. You really want people to see the email NOW. Next week is probably too late. This is part of maintaining and fostering a good relationship with the subscribers on your list.
Here is an easy way to reach twice as many people.
AWeber Tips -Here are the 11 Steps Covered in the Video
1. Send a Broadcast eMail
2. Open the Stats on the Email (1 click)
3. Click on the Unopened Button (1 click)
4. Click on “Send To These Subscribers” Now (1 click)
5. “Save This Segment” with today’s date as the name (9 Clicks)
6. Open Broadcast list again (1 clicks)
7. Click “Copy” on the Email You Sent (1 click)
8. Add “Resend: ” to the Title (8 clicks)
9. Click on Save, Next and Next (3 clicks)
10. Select the Segment you just created (2 clicks)
11. Schedule the email to go out (6 clicks)
Usually the second broadcast will get about the same number of opens as the first. This will effectively double broadcast email open rates.
See! You Can Double Broadcast Email Open Rates
Until next time, you have a Great Day! Oh Hale Yes! 🙂
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Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!
Skype hale.pringle
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