Basic Autoresponder Traffic Flow is one of those things that requires a light bulb to go off. In general Autoresponders are complex systems with several moving parts and you must understand how a Lead flows through these parts to really use the systems. Once you see how the pieces work together it is easy, but getting that original grasp is not always easy. Even for those of us who know the systems, there are subtleties that pop up and amaze us. I’ve said “Hmmm I didn’t know that!” more than once (or thrice.)
The Autoresponder Traffic Flow – Pieces In Motion
Here is a six minute video where I show you how the pieces fit together and then give you a sample of each piece.
Basic Autoresponder Traffic Flow
The video went over the seven pieces you need for a basic Sales Funnel
- A Traffic Source
- An Ethical Bribe – an eBook, a video, an audio, an email
How-To Sequence – anything your Lead would find valuable - An Autoresponder Account (Create a List and a Sign Up Form
and an Email Follow-up Sequence) - A Squeeze Page (includes the Sign Up Form which sends
the Lead – who is now a subscriber – to the Thank You Page) - A Thank You Page (mentions the email that is coming) – With a
One Time Offer (OTO) - A Download Page (optional, but desirable)-With a Link to Ethical Bribe – With OTO
- A Follow-up Email Sequence – sends Subscriber to the Download Page
Here are the pieces is graphical form
In English – Traffic/Leads (1) are sent to the Squeeze Page (4). The autoresponder sign up form (3) sends the new subscribers to the Thank You Page (5). They get told that the material they asked for is coming in an email. New Subscribers automatically get an email (7) and in this email they get a link to the Download page (6). (For me the Thank You Page and the Download Page are nearly identical. They make the same offer. The only difference is that the Thank You Page does not have a download link and the Download Page does.) A link on the Download Page downloads the Ethical Bribe (2) to the Subscriber’s PC.
Once you have these pieces, you can drive traffic and generate opt-ins and subscribers on your list. Now you are ready to seen additional Follow-up Emails and Broadcast Emails. This is where the real selling happens.
Until Next time, you have a Great Day! Oh Hale Yes!
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Hale Pringle Ed. D.
Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!
Skype hale.pringle
Connect with me of Google+, Facebook or Twitter
P.S. If you are working to move your business online and it all seems overwhelming, I can help! My team and I are currently working with best “Earn Money Quickly From Home” Program I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen them ALL!) I strongly urge you to take a look at You can also take a look around, especially the resources menu option. You will see that I specialize in list building, a Certified Trainer with Ann Sieg and am an award winning blogger. I’ve also written three books on AWeber (AWeber: Quick Start) and over 20 others. You can email me or give me a Skype call. I’ll give you the benefit of my years of experience and many thousands of dollars in training and searching the rabbit hole called Internet Marketing and Network Marketing.
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