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Attention Bloggers – Your Blog is NOT the Main Thing!
I spent the long couple of very hectic weeks concentrating on my Blog as part of the Top 50 MLM Bloggers competition (I came in #11). As I come out this heavy concentration I thought I’d remind us all – Our Blog is NOT the Main Thing! Don’t get me wrong, there were at least 10 important benefits of participating in the competition. I wrote a post of 10 benefits.
In spite of that: My Blog is NOT the Main Thing!
Note: My mission is to help Network Marketers who are struggling to move online, especially those buried by overwhelm. You will find information that will HELP you find leads and access to the finest mentoring system on the Internet today (Ann Sieg’s Renegade Team and Inner Circle). You will learn how to avoid the bright shiny things, effectively use blogging, Facebook and LinkedIn, A free 30 minute coaching call is yours for the asking. Take action today! When you are ready Join the Team
The Main Thing
There are a number of reasons that people blog
- Sharing a Passion
- Kind of an online Diary
- Collection of Memories
- Internet Marketing
The last reason is by far the most common today.
Are You an Internet Marketer?
If you are, your Marketing Funnel is The Main Thing.
This may seem like a difference that makes no difference, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Think about it. If you focus on “your blog” you will have one set of priorities.
If you focus on “your marketing funnel” you will have a totally different (yet overlapping) set of priorities.
Let me give you one example: If you are focusing on your blog, driving traffic to your blog is interesting, but doesn’t consume you night and day. You will go write another post before you spend time on driving traffic to your blog.
If you focus on your Internet Marketing Funnel, driving traffic is critically important. You will skip writing the next post if you haven’t spent any time driving traffic to your blog recently.
Where is your focus? Your Blog or Your Funnel?
In my sidebar and on my Resources Page you can see my Main Thing
Obviously we need to keep the Main Thing the Main Thing!
P.S. For those of us working with Ann Sieg and her Daily Marketing Coach Mentoring Program – the funnel is ALWAYS the MAIN THING.
Until next time, you have a Great Day!
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Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!
Skype hale.pringle
Email: HaleYes@HalePringle.com
For Free 1/2 hour coaching call: Work with Hale
Work with me now: Join the Daily Marketing Coach Mentoring Program
P.S. If you are working to move your business online and it all seems overwhelming, I can help! Take a look at http://HalePringle.com, or sign up for the free coaching call. You can email me or give me a Skype call. I’ll give you the benefit of my years of experience and many thousands of dollars in training and searching the rabbit hole called Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. I can help you with Lead Generation, the feeling of overwhelm, blogging, and even career change. Add that to the finest mentoring on the Internet (Ann Sieg’s Team and Inner Circle) and you have a Winner!
[…] Regardless, you need to be blogging with a purpose. This point is similar to another point I made recently where I urged bloggers to keep the main thing the main thing. […]