An Attraction Marketing Day! A Light Bulb Goes On!

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An Attraction Marketing Day!  A Light Bulb Goes On!

Attraction Marketing Understanding

Attraction Marketing Understanding

Whew! I just had a very interesting day in my Attraction Marketing journey.  I thought I’d share it. 

I’m going to start by saying something  that I KNOW I’ll have to explain. 🙂

Today I figured out  something that I already knew.  It just that now I KNOW it and yesterday I knew it.


(…. I took out my missing statement today – I miss it!)



The Difference Between KNOWING and knowing.

You have to be asking this (don’t you?)

Since this is a distinction I’m making up on the spot, it is understandable that you don’t understand.  I’m sure that if I go back to my counseling and psychology books (or maybe one or two that have been written since 1970 when I really studies these things) I’d find more technical terms.  On the other hand, I think these will do for us here.

Let me tell you two things I knew yesterday.

  1. Online Attraction Marketing involved setting up online real estate that provided value and transparently showed people the real you. 
  2. The two Attraction Marketing Giants that I know personally used paid ads extensively, in fact almost exclusively.

before I get to the aHa! you have to understand that there were some assumptions buried under number 1 that I brought along with me.  They certainly weren’t taught in any of my Attraction Marketing training.

THE REAL – First – what I have been taught.

  • Attraction Marketing requires a website (I learned along the way that there are few who dispute this.)
  • Attraction Marketing requires that you give values.
  • Attraction Marketing requires that you brand yourself.
  • Attraction Marketing requires you to be transparent.  People need to see the real you so they can resonate with YOU.
  • When you give value freely, people will be inclined to buy when you recommend a product or service that has a price tag on it.

There are some more, but you get the idea.

THE NOT SO REAL –Ah- must there were more!  Here are some I brought with me.  I don’t know where they came from.

  • As your online real estate grows, people will start to naturally gravitate to you.  You marketing efforts will attract them.
  • Branding, SEO, reputation, secret sauce and magic will attract people to your and your online real estate.
  • At some point there will be a flood of people being attracted to you.  This is the end goal of Attraction Marketing.

DISCONNECT – It wasn’t until today that I really saw the disconnect between the list of NOT-SO-REAL and number two from the list above.  Here it is again:  “The two Attraction Marketing Giants that I know personally used paid ads extensively, in fact almost exclusively.”

THE CONCLUSION About Attraction Marketing?

Your brand, your online real estate, your product or service, your giving nature and your transparency are NOT ENOUGH.

You are still a fish in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.  You interact with a miniscule percentage of the other fish.  Attraction Marketing has a HUGE advertising component.  Attraction Marketing is not just “marketing,”  but pure pay-money-to-vendors advertising is a necessary component.

Now that I KNOW that, a number of my attitudes, actions and priorities will need to be adjusted.

That is a good thing!  Effective action requires real understanding.  I needed to KNOW this in order to advance.

How about you?  Do you agree with me?   Did this help you understand Attraction Marketing better?

BTW Thanks Statcia, Natasha, Curt, Ann and Rich.  It’s been quite a day.  (Yes! Anita you helped too.)

You learn more, there is a great webinar Thursday Evening – you can sign up here


Until next time, you have a Great Day!

Dr Hale



↓ ↓ If this post gave you some ideas – Go ahead & comment below.  ↓ ↓


Hale Pringle

Hale Pringle Ed. D.


Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!

Skype hale.pringle



P.S. If you are working to move your business online and it all seems overwhelming, I can help!  Take a look at, or sign up for the free coaching call. You can email me or give me a Skype call. I’ll give you the benefit of my years of experience and many thousands of dollars in training and searching the rabbit hole called Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. I can help you with Lead Generation, the feeling of overwhelm, blogging, and even career change. Add that to the finest mentoring on the Internet (Ann Sieg’s Team and Inner Circle) and you have a Winner!

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About Hale Pringle

Dr. Hale is an Internet Entrepreneur and Network
Marketing expert. His greatest pleasure is
helping people and he does just that, drawing
upon the immense resources that he has gathered
over the years in his unquenchable thirst for

Dr. Hale lives in beautiful, sunny Florida with
his wife, two dogs and a cat. His four children
are grown and are scattered around the state.

An eternal optimist you will hear him say
regularly: “Is this a Great Day?” The answer is
always, “Hale Yes!”

If you need help with your online marketing or a
network marketing opportunity Dr. Hale is the go
to man. “Hale Yes!”


  1. I wondered what your aha was. Lately I’ve been realizing that posting three times a week is not enough even though my traffic is really growing. I must be interacting and guest blogging too and establishing relationships. Oh Hale, Yes!
    Amy Hagerup recently posted..Offline & Online Marketing System for Promoting the Best Weight Loss ProductsMy Profile

    • Amy,

      I’m about to post on what has been changing my traffic and how you find out. Facebook is huge!!!

      Thanks for the comment – people here seem to like you. Smart people! 🙂

      Dr. Hale

  2. From a fellow blog challenge participant. I would have to agree with Amy Hagerup’s comment above. Guest blogging and establishing relationships online is really the key to branding yourself online. Especially if the majority of your work takes place online, however, if your business isn’t solely online, building relationships and networking in person is still a huge part of branding as well. Interesting Post.

  3. Hale, One of the things I knew but now KNOW better is that I need to to step outside what I have been done — inviting writers to write on my blog — and go toward writing on blogs that have a bigger visibility than mine. Attraction Marketing happens on lots of levels: toward me; toward others. We’re dancing with each other in lots of directions. 🙂
    Beth Barany recently posted..Tips for Writing LiteroticaMy Profile

    • I do hear the music Beth!

      Its it strange that we can “know” something or KNOW something?

      Until Next Time Have a Great Day!
      Dr. Hale

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