After You Post to Your Blog – What’s Next?
The Nine secret steps that Ray Higdon has used to skyrocket his blog to “Best Network Marketing Blog for 2011” He reveals how he post-processes his posts. You can see his material at
Note to IT Professionals
This blog is dedicated specifically to IT Professionals
who are thinking “How do I get out of my current situation?”
Anyone who blogs can learn something here.
Well one of the things that Internet Marketers do
is they create a blog and they post to it. I’ll go into
the how and why is different places, but today I
want to share some training I recently took with
Ray Higdon.
Ray was voted the best Network Marketing Blogger
in the World last year, so the evidence says that
he knows what he is talking about. He has also built
a blog from nothing to over 1,000,000 views per month.
Now part of this is content. Ray aims at “frustrated network
marketers.” There are a BUNCH of those out there.
I read his stuff because I’ze one of ‘dem.
Ray’s Secret Sauce – After You Post Processing
Ray shared with us what he does after he write a new blog
post and I’m going to share his secrets (with his permission
of course.) This is hsi his formula for what to do after you
post to your blog. Remember that Google and Bing and
Yahoo rank “Pages”, not your whole blog.
Each page needs to stand by its self, so what you do after
you post is pretty critical. Google does give some attention
to your whole web site and will rank things higher if they are
on a website with lots of pages with the same key words,
but the majority of the weight is given to what the individual
page has on it.
On Page SEO
I don’t want to imply that the process after you post is the
only important thing.
Ray uses SEOPressor (a paid-for plugin for WordPress
blogs). This tool grades your posts and tells you how well
you meet the standards that Google uses to rate pages.
It tells you what to change and you can save your drafts
until you rating is high enough to call it finished.
The List for What to do After You Post
He has a daily routine and he follows it virtually
every day. As John Maxwell (Productivity Guru) said
“Your success is decided by your daily agenda.”
Here is part of Ray’s daily agenda. The objective
of these steps is to drive traffic to his blog.
How he converts the traffic into money is the topic for a
later post.
- Social Media– He puts the title, a synopsis and a link to his
blog post on Google+, on Pinterest, and on TwitterHere I’m showing you that he posted a link to one of his blog posts. Then he did a short video and put that on YouTube. He linked the YouTube video back to his blog AND posted on Twitter about the video. The third link is to Better Networker and we’ll talk about what he did special on that site in a minute.
- SocialAdr – lots of bookmarks and backlinks/ See This is a free service and in Ray’s words it gives you a “crazy number of backlinks and social bookmarks.”
- Repost on – Remember the Tweet about BetterNetworker? This site is a hot bed for the type of people that Ray is targeting. So he modifies the post and puts it there. Now here is the typical Ray sneaky secret. He only posts part of the material there. Then he says “To read the rest CLICK HERE” The purpose of doing these “post processes” is to drive traffic to his blog. Letting them read the whole thing there wouldn’t accoumplist that.
- MLM Facebook Group– Again the purpose is to drive traffic to his blog. He wants them there and he wants them to sign up for his mailing list.
- Networked Blogs – – Ray is looking for something better, but until he finds something he continues to use this. You register for the site and register a blog. After you have verified that you own the blog, the websites watches your blogs RSS feed. When you make a new post it places this post of Facebook Fan Pages where you are the administrator.
- PixelPipe– This is another site that takes your information and reposts it for you a numerous other places. Each of these “other places’ is a backlink to the main blog post.
- Tribepro – Tribepro is as large system and is far beyond what I want to go into here. Basically people form “tribes” and “if you post a link to my blog, I’ll post a link to yours.”
- Emails His list – EVERY time that Ray does a post, he creates an enticing email and sends it out to his list. People become regular readers. The reason this is important is that every now and then Ray indicates there is something out there that he thinks they should buy – and they do. Of course Ray doesn’t often promote things that he doesn’t make a commission on.
- –Sometimes he will go to and spend $5 on someone who does Article Marketing Robot (AMR) and Unique Article Wizard (UAW)
Does he do this himself? – not usually. He has a manager and there is always Virtaul Assistant outsourcing. Again these are topics that are covered in lots of places.
There you have it. What Ray tells us to do after you post your blog entry.
What do do After You Post to Your Blog
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