Introduction: For a lot of people, the word Cannabis is synonymous with Marijuana. While Marijuana is one plant in the Cannabis family, there is another close relative called Hemp. There is one major distinction between the two plants. Marijuana has been bred to have a very high percentage of a chemical called THC. While more and more doctors using Marijuana to combat nausea and pain, THC will make you high. Currently states are slowly legalizing marijuana (often just for medical use), Marijuana is still best known for its recreational use. You cannot obtain high quality CBD products from Marijuana plants that don’t contain substantial amounts of THC.
Hemp on the other hand has been bred to be low in THC and to have a relatively high percentage of a chemical called CBD. CBD will not make you high, For many people CBD has a wide range of benefits. The two most common uses are to reduce stress and relieve symptoms associated with joint and muscle issues. FDA regulations forbid us from saying or implying anything related to diseases. That being said many people experience relief from taking CBD.
If you are just interested in buying high quality CBD, here is the link to the CBD Oil{ If you would like to know more about why I believe in this product, read on.
Why I Believe Hempworx Produces High Quality CBD
There are over 20 thousand companies selling CBD these days as entrepreneurs recognize the ground swell and work to tap into the rapidly growing market. In large part this growth is a result of the 2018 Farm Bill that legalized Hemp and CBD at the Federal level. Unfortunately for the buyers this trend has lead to a “Buyer Beware” situation. Several studies have found that over 70 percent of the products being sold do not have the potency or purity that is claimed on the packaging. One glaring example is products being sold on Amazon. Amazon does not currently allow CBD to be sold on their platform. They do allow hemp seed oil (Oil pressed from the seeds that does not contain CBD or THC). There are several products that appear to be CBD, but if you read the ingredients carefully, you can see that they are not. While Hemp seed oil does contain Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids and omega–6 fatty acids can be good for your heart, they do not contain CBD Unfortunately, many buyers are not familiar enough with the CBD industry to see this. Over the count CBD often has no way to contact the company that produces the product and no way to verify the potency or purity of the products. I’ll paraphrase a statement I read recently that admonished that people wouldn’t buy a Gucci or Louis Vuitton handbag at a gas station so why do they think that they can high quality CBD there. Particularly when the quality of CBD determines its impact on your health. Inexpensive almost always mean low potency and little or no results when you are talking about CBD.
Hempworx Product Sourcing
I’m not going to tell you that the company I work with is the only company selling high quality CBD, but I will tell you why I believe in the quality of the Hempworx products and the company.
- All of the farms, extraction and other materials involves are sourced from the United State.
- The company takes pride in negotiating the best supply contracts, farming relationships, and vendor relationships to bring the most effective Hemp-Derived CBD products to market, at an affordable price. Jenna Zwagil (who started Hempworx) initial introduction to CBD was with a brand purchased through a dispensary and she saw almost no benefits. When she tried a high quality product from a US Fram, the effects were immediate and dramatic. That personal experience had a profound impact on the Hempworx company insuring the quality of their products.
- Not only are the highest quality raw materials used, ,the company is one of the few companies in the industry that posts their third party test data on the company website readily visible for their customers to see. Every product has a link to the test data for the hemp batch that was used to make the product.
- The company uses the CO2 extraction process. This more expensive than some other processes, but is universally recognized as the extraction method that produces the highest quality CBD product. Other processes usually leave undesirable chemicals in the product and reduce the potency of the CBD.
- Customers are always given a 60-day money back guarantee so that they always have products they can count on. This guarantee is honored, even if the bottle is empty.
Hemp Authority Certification
At the time this was written there are over 20,000 companies selling CBD products. Hempworx one of only 33 companies that has been awarded the Hemp Authority™ Certification.
The U.S. Hemp Authority™ Certification Program is the CBD industry’s initiative to provide high standards, best practices and self-regulation, giving confidence to consumers and law enforcement that hemp products are safe, and legal. In an effort funded by the US Hemp Roundtable, and joined by organizations such as the Hemp Industries Association, industry leading firms, top-tier testing laboratories, and quality assessors developed comprehensive guidance for growers and processors of hemp.

Product Ingredients Other that CBD
All of the companies CBD oils are certified as:
- Gluten Free (all are Gluten free, some are waiting on certification)
- Vegan
- Cruelty Free
- Organic
- No GMOs
- The hemp is raised in Kentucky and Colorado – USA
- The carrier medium is Hemp Seed Oil.
It is worth noting that Hempworx CBD Oil contains Cannabinoids (CBD and related chemicals), Hemp Seed Oil (as a filler) and optionally some ingredients to give it a flavor such as cinnamon or peppermint. This is it – period.

Example of Third Party Test Results
The Company Publishes a Third Party Certificate For each natch of processed Hemp used to manufacture their products.
Here is an example product pages.
“We use a CO2 extraction process with Industrial Hemp grown on American Farms. Every batch we produce has a certificate of analysis so you can be confident that what’s on our label is in our bottle! ” The C02 method is the best method for extracting pure CBD.
In addition to making sure that each batch contains the level of CBD advertised on the products, it also test that the batch does not have excessive THC and does not contain pesticides, heavy metals and other harmful contaminants.

Commonly Asked Questions About the Company and the Products (mostly from their FAQ Page)
- How long hss the company long in business? – My Daily Choice – the parent company for Hempworx has been in business since September of 2014. The Hempworx Brand was added in May of 2017. They have sold over $170 million worth of high quality CBD in 2019 and will sell more than that in 2020.
- How Transparent is the company about the source of their materials? – All of Hempworx materials come from inside the US. The hemp is purchased from some of the highest rated farms in Kentucky and Colorado. There are reports that the quality of the CDB derived from their Hemp is among the highest in the country.
- How Transparent 9s the company is about the how their CBD is Extracted from Hemp. Hempworx is very transparent? They use the expensive CO2 extraction method that is known to be the best process for extracting relatively pure CDB from Hemp. All high quality CBD products are made with CBD extracted using this process.
- Where is the product manufactured? In the US – All of the processing is done in the US and that the packing shipping is done from their facility in Las Vegas Nevada.
- How Transparent the company is about their procedures for testing purity and quality? Very – They publish on their website a third party certificate of Purity for each batch of CBD they sell. Testing includes:
- Gas Chromatography Tests
- Certificates of Analysis
- Potency Tests
- Antimicrobial Tests
- Do the products rate a organic, vegan, cruelty free, Gluten Free, No GMO? – YES
- What is the carrier material used to dilute the CBD oil? – Hemp seed oil carrier – not MCT
- Return Policy? – There is a 60 day return policy – even an empty bottle.
- Speed of delivery? – I have read several reviews that commented positively on has fast the speed of delivery compared with other CBD Companies.
- Where Do They Ship? – All 50 states and over 140 countries worldwide. Some of these companies require that the product be marked for personal consumption only. Other countries do not allow the CBD products to be shipped, but they do allow other products manufactured by My Daily Choice.
- Do they have wholesales pricing? Yes
- Are any of their products 100% THC free? – Yes. All of the products meet the less that 0.3 percent limit required by Federal standards, and some are certified 100% THC free.
- Are they Hemp Authority Certified? – Yes
- Are their manufacturing plants FDA Compliant?. – Yes
- Are there a variety of products? – Yes = Over 50.
- Ae there products for pets? – Yes Oil and baked snacks
- Is everything about the product sourced from the US? – Yes I also checked the Better Business Bureau. There were some complaints, but the number seemed quite reasonable for a company with thousands of affiliates.
- Can I contact the company.? Yes

My Conclusion and Product Links
My conclusion was that the company and products exceeded my expectations!
Here is a link to the CBD Oil{
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