Until recently creating a Single Opt-in List in AWeber was something you could do when the list was created. The new screens are simple, but if you want to create a single opt-in list, you have to go back and add that option after the list has been created. It is now two steps.
Let’s take a quick look….
First, let’s look at the new screens you will use to create a single opt-in list (or a double opt-in list for that matter). I recommend that you should usually use single opt-in lists. A lead becomes a subscriber as soon as they press the Submit button on your Squeeze Page. You will lose a sizable percentage of your subscribers if you require that they find your email, open it, and click on the link that they have forgotten all about. There are certain high value situations where you REALLY want dedicated subscribers and the double opt-in is proper. For most Internet Marketers – you will find that you should learn about creating a single opt-in list.
Here are the new screens:
Create a New List
#1 – Click on the My Lists Link in the top Menu Bar
#2 – Click on Create a New List
Page 1 of List Creation
#1 – Your Company Name – this will be seen When a Lead Unsubscribes
#2 – Your Website – During the Unsubscribe process, subscribers will be given an option to “Return to “
#3 – You mailing address – ideally this should NOT be your home address, but it does need to be a physical address.
#4 – The “From Name” on your emails. I strongly suggest that you use your whole name. Emails from “Support” or “Joe” or “IM Crazy” just don’t carry the same “know, like and trust” value of a name a person recognizes. Study after study shows that the most important item in whether or not an email gets opened is NOT the subject line. It is the “From: ” field. If you have become important to the recipient, they will open your emails regardless of the Subject line.
#5 – The email subscribers will use to reach you. (AWeber suggests that AOL, HotMail, Yahoo and Gmail lower the delivery rate of your emails. If you can use myname@mycompany.com – then do it.
#6 – Move to the second screen.
New list – Screen 2
#1 – a unique name – and I mean unique among ALL AWeber subscribers and lists. When AWeber receives a message asking to subscriber Joe Person to a list, they use this name to fine which of the 10’s of thousands of lists the lead should be subscribed to.
This field used to have a 15 character limit – it has been raised to 32 characters. I suggest you create some codes that help you look at a list and tell yourself something about the list. Note this name will be seen by Subscribers if they start to unsubscribe. “Hale-VIP-custormers” may encourage them to remained subscribed “junk-list-of freebie-seekers” is likely to chase them away.
I use things like “Halebk-xxxxxx” to described lists built around free eBooks. “Halebuy-xxx” are lists made up of paying customers. “HaleDog-xxxx ” are lists specific to a dog niche I am developing, etc.
#2 – Move to the Next Step
New List – Page 3
#1 – Pick a subject line for your Double Opt-in email – Pick anything – we aren’t going to use it.
#2 – Click this button to create the list.
Finally – We Have Arrived at Our Topic – The How To of Creating A Single Opt-in List
Once you have a list, it is simple to create a single opt-in list.
New List – Change List Settings
#1 – Make sure the list you want to work with is displayed in the little drop down box.
#2 – Click on List Options
#3 – Click on List Settings
This is where you will make changes in any of your existing lists.
New List – Set to Single Opt-in
#1 – Again make sure you are working on the right list.
#2 – The dim pictures are actually the third menu bar on this screen – Click on the third one – Confirm Opt-in.
#3 – Down the page find the Green button and click on it to create a single opt-in list.
#4 – There is a “Save Settings” button further down. Click on that to save your change.
New List – Just So You Know What Will Happen
#1 – When you click the Green Button – this pop-up screen will appear.
#2 – Click on the Yes and the Green button will turn RED.
#3- Now you click on the “Save Settings” Button and you have created a Single Opt-In List.
Now you should know about Creating a Single Opt-in List
Two More Things I Suggest in List Settings
There are two more things I suggest in my training and as long as we are in List Settings, let’s look at them.
1 – Using a Multi-List System
Let’s think through the process we are working on. You are working to create a Sales Funnel (I prefer to think of it as a List Building Funnel, but the industry calls them Sales Funnels.) The objective of a Sales Funnel is to create a list of subscribers you can sell to over and over. Here are some typical steps.
- Create a Free Offer (Compelling Offer, Ethical Bribe, Lead Magnet, etc. etc. etc.)
- Hopefully you also have a paid offer (a One-Time-Offer, Upsell, Upgrade, you get the picture.)
- You create a Squeeze page to offer your product to Leads to turn them into subscribers.
- In order to collect the names you need an autoresponder system like AWeber.
- Now you create a list
- You create a campaign of emails that will go to each of your new subscribers offering them useful information about the topic your Free Offer is about.
- You create a Sign up form
- You insert that form into your squeeze page
- You drive traffic to the Squeeze page.
- Your Autorresponder company sends your new subscribers each of the emails in your campaign.
- When something that is time sensitive is happening you can send Broadcast emails to your subscribers about the Black Friday Sale or the New Product or anything else you think will interest them.
- You continue to add value to your email campaign by adding new emails to engage your subscribers. Many of these provide useful information and some make them offers for products they can buy.
That is the basic way that Sales Funnel Creation is usually taught. Let me ask you a simple question.
What Happens When You Create A Second Free Offer?
And a third and a fourth and so on and so on. Are you going to end up with forty lists that you need to maintain? Some people do. Broadcast emails can be sent to multiple lists at the same time. Follow-up emails can’t Duplicating your sequence over and over and fixing the same typo in two dozen places quickly becomes a nightmare.
Enter the Multi-List System.
(I described this in much more detail in this post Dr. Hale’s Multi-List System)
I suggest that your create a Main List that is centered around your whole Niche. If you are working several different niches, then you would have several main lists. In general the emails that are appropriate for one niche (say the Internet Marketing niche) are NOT appropriate for another niche (Say Selling Dog Related Products). This is the list where you will continually add value and make offers. It is one list that everyone in the niche belongs to. You only have one place to add another email to your campaign and only one place to send broadcast emails.
You also create a list that is specific to each Free Offer.
In simple terms here is what happens.
Free Offer list – A lead subscribes to your Free Offer and receives an automatic email that says “Thanks for asking for XZY – here is a link to the Download page. Welcome and let me tell you more.” The new subscribers receive 6 to 9 emails from this list that are targeted to the Free Offer they were interested enough to download. For example I have an eBook about how to Rank in the LinkedIn Search Engine. The next 9 emails are a crash course of using LinkedIn effectively. Once this sequence is done you never use this list again unless you create a new version of your free offer or the paid offer that goes with it.
Main List – When your lead subscribes to your Free Offer List, you automatically sign them up to the Main List. An email will go out immediately. You have this email say “Welcome… The material you just asked for is coming in another email. If you don’t see it, check your Spam…..” Then the Main List is quiet for the several days your Free Offer list is sending emails. Once the Free Offer list stops, the Main List picks up and everything from then on is done with the main list.
Why Bother?
You might be asking me “Why bother?” right now. Well here is why. When you create a second Free Offer you carry out the exactly the same sequence. You automatically sign them up for the Main List and then talk about the subject matter of your free offer. (For example, I have another Free Offer that talks about “Finding Customers with the Twitter Search Engine.” This one also offers a several day email crash course. The first email from the Main List works just as well for this offer as it did the first offer. When the Twitter emails stop, my generic Internet Marketing emails start up. Adding a Free Offer about AWeber works the same way. Adding an Offer about selling on eBay works the same way. You can add as many Free Offers as you want over time and the system handles the each new one seamlessly.
How Do We Sign Them Up to the Main List Automatically?
The only thing that involves the list settings is the automatic subscription, so lets look at how that is done.
Automatically Subscribing A Lead to Two Lists
#1 – Change the little Drop Down menu to your Main List.
#2 – Click on List Options –> List Automation
Automatically Subscribing a Lead to Two Lists.
#1 – Again make sure the drop down is now pointing to your MAIN LIST!
#2 – Click on the drop down and select “Subscribe to like <Your Main> when subscribing to”
#3 – Pick your new list in the second drop down that makes up the rule.
#4 – There is a Green “Create the Rule” button behind the drop down. You can just see the edge. Click on that button You will have one rule for each new Free Offer You Create.
You can also unsubscribe people here if they buy a product and you want to take them off of the sequence that is trying to get them to buy the product. You can do that even inside PayPal (Read More Here)
That is all there is to the multi-list system. You can get away with one list in the very beginning, but remember this so you can convert to it when you run into the “Uhh how do I keep my original offer active and add a new offer?”
2 – Using The Signature Block As A P.S. Paragraph
One of the most read parts of an email is the P.S. Putting one in each of your emails and changing them all is a real pain. However you can do this at the List Level and that makes things much easier. You use the “Signature” block – which is the only insertable field that is a paragraph – for your P.S. paragraph. Let’s look at the screen where you enter this.
Signature Block in the List Settings
#1 – Pick the List you want from the drop down.
#2 – Click on List Options –> List Settings (not shown)
#3 – Click on the middle picture called “Personalize Your LIst” This is a tab, it just doesn’t look like it.
#4 – Fill in the Signature block with your P.S. Note: You used to be able to put some basic HTML in this block, but that has been removed.
#5 (Note Shown) Save your work.
Now when you create your emails “Personalize” the end of your email with the Signature Block. (See more here.)
The Signature Block in an Email
I use Templates so that I could create this fairly fancy footer for each of my emails. Note at the very bottom is the {!Signature}. This code will be replaced with the Signature Block when my email is sent and will be come the P.S.
Changing this field at the List Level will change it in every email that uses the Signature Block as a P.S.
There you have three AWeber tips:
- Creating a Single Opt-in List using the New AWeber screens.
- The Why and How of using Multiple Lists – one Main List and one for each of your Free Offers.
- Using the Signature Block at the List Level to hold the P.S. that goes in each email.
Until Next time, you have a Great Day! Oh Hale Yes!
↓ ↓ If this post gave you some ideas – Go ahead & comment below. ↓ ↓

Hale Pringle Ed. D.
Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!
Skype hale.pringle
Email: Hale@HalePringle.com
Connect with me of Google+, Facebook or Twitter
P.S. If you are working to move your business online and it all seems overwhelming, I can help! My team and I are currently working with best “Earn Money Quickly From Home” Program I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen them ALL!) I strongly urge you to take a look at http://HalePringle.com/ds. You can also take a look around http://HalePringle.com, especially the resources menu option. You will see that I specialize in list building, am a Certified Trainer with Ann Sieg and am an award winning blogger. I’ve also written three books on AWeber (AWeber: Quick Start) and over 20 others. You can email me or give me a Skype call. I’ll give you the benefit of my years of experience and many thousands of dollars in training and searching the rabbit hole called Internet Marketing and especially selling physical products online.