Squeeze Page and eBook on Network Marketing
Pick the List You Want To Export
#1 – Pick the list you want
#2 – Click on Manage Subscribers (note that the drop down has hidden the count J . It is much higher than “3”)
Click on the Export as CSV Button
At the bottom of the screen there is an Export as CSV (Comma Separated Values) button. Click that.
Open the File in Google Sheets, Excel (or an equivalent)
The Process: AWeber to Spreadsheet to Email to RTM
NOTE: If you are not using AWeber, you can skip to the other article https://halepringle.com/using-remember-the-milk-as-a-basic-crm-tool/ You can also scroll down to the major header “Copy and Paste Into Notepad” if you have a bunch that you want to import. Here are the steps I go through to get my text file. There are a number of steps here, but if you know Excel (or are willing to learn) they become pretty natural and they take MUCH less time than manually entering the information for each lead.- Reformat the Phone Column (See Below)
- Find your last version and sort on column D. Figure out the last leads in that group (If you don’t know how to sort, make sure the “Home” tab is clicked and then click on the column header for Column D – it has a “D” in it. That will highlight the whole column. Now up in the right corner of the menus is a button called “Sort and Filter”. When you click on that you will be offered an option to expand the sort to include the whole table. You want to do that. Sorting one column by itself would mess up the table and you wouldn’t be able to see when an individual signed up.)
- Take your current version and sort on column D. Delete everyone you already have in the earlier version. (Highlight the whole area and right click in the area and choose “Delete the entire row” from the options offered.)
- Reorganize the columns so that you end up with name, phone, region, email and country at the left side of the table. (See Below)
- The “Region” column contains the “State” in the U.S. It will be blank for non-USA. Manually insert something like XX or UK or Foreign in those that are from countries. These are ones you don’t want to try calling on the phone.
- Insert a blank column to the left of the email column (Click on the header for a column so that the whole column is highlighted. Right click and choose the “Insert” option.)
- Click on the Formulas Menu option. Click on “Insert Function” at the very left. Choose “Text” as the Category and Concatenate at the function. Press OK. Type http:// in the text 1 box and +F1 in the second text box and then click OK. You should have a column with the email addresses preceded by http:// BTW I know that this should really be mailto:\\ but RTM will put this into a slot called URL and recognizes it as an email if you click on it.
- Highlight the name, phone, region, email columns and click on Copy button.
- Paste these into Notepad.
- Manually remove spaces from any lines that are very long.
- Copy and paste all the lines into an email and send it to RTM. You can find the email address in RTM under “Settings” à “Info. Use “inbox” as the Subject line of the email. I’ll talk more about what I do inside RTM later.
- Save the File – use a name that tells you the source and the date. You need to be able to find this file later.
Make Columns Wider in Excel
An important feature is how widen a column. The default is about 10 characters and that isn’t enough for columns like the Email Column. If you mouse over the header of a column, you will see the cursor change to an icon with arrows pointing left and right when you go over the line separating columns. Hold the left mouse button down and drag the icon to the right to make the column wider and to the left to make it narrower.Reformat the Phone Number Column
Click on the T Column header. That should highlight the whole column. Right Click somewhere on the column and choose the “Format the Cells” option. This screen will pop-up. Choose “Special” and “Phone number”Moving a Column.
To Move a Column- Click on the header which highlights a whole column.
- Click Ctrl-X or right click and choose CUT. You will see a dotted line around the whole column.
- Click on the header of the column to the right of where you want the original column moved. This will highlight the second column. The original column still has the dotted line around it.
- Right click on the column and choose “Insert Deleted Cells
Modify to Email Address to include http://
Insert a blank column to the left of the Email Column
#1 – Click on the header (near the D) to highlight the whole column)
#2 – Right Click on the column and choose “Insert”
Excel will insert an empty column to the left of the one you highlighted.Put http:// at the beginning of each email address.
Not Shown – Click on the header of the Empty Column you just created so that it is highlighted.
#1 – Choose the Formulas Menu option
#2 – Click on “Insert Function”
#3 – Choose “Text” as the category
#4 – Choose CONCATENATE – as the junction
#4 – Click on OK
Finish the Concatenate Formula
Copy Formula to The Rest of the Column
#1 – Click on the cell with the formula in it and press Ctrl-C or right click and choose Copy
#2 – Click the cell below the cell with the formula and drag the mouse down to highlight the rest of the column
#3 – Click “Insert Copied Cell” The “+” you put in front of the +E1 tells Excel that it should change the number to match the row number when you do things like this copy. So Row 2 becomes +E2, three becomes +E3 etc.
Copy and Paste Into Notepad (or another text editor)
NOTE: Start here is you are not using AWeber. BTW You can enter prospects into Remember the Milk one at at time. You don’t have to bulk import. Use your mouse to highlight the first four columns (name, phone, region and the modified email address column we just created). If you are not using AWeber, you may copy and paste this data from somewhere else. Copy and paste into a Notepad file Manually remove spaces in long lines. Your email will wrap very long lines. RTM will see that as two lines and create two tasks. Neither one will be complete. Again you want lines that look like this (as one long line) John Jones 555-555-5555 CA http://hisemail@gmail.com You don’t have to have the elements in this order. I just like to have the name first.RTM Email Address to Send “Tasks” to
#1 – Click on Settings
#2 – Click on Info
#3 – Copy the “Import Email Address
You need to put this into your email system as a Contact. I called mine “RTM Import”.Send Tasks to Remember the Milk
- Start an email to your RTM Import address
- Enter “inbox” in the Subject Line
- Copy and paste the contents of your Notepad into your email
- Erase any extra lines including your signature block. You are going to get one task per line, so make sure that each line is one of your leads from AWeber.
- Send the Email You will find these new tasks in Remember the Milk;
Moving Several Leads into Remember the Milk at One Time
In the previous article I covered getting a properly formatted list out of Aweber. In many cases you may want to create a text file of prospects and enter all of them at one time. I;m going to start there.The Process
What I want to do is create a text file formatted so that I can insert my rows into RTM automatically. Here is what I want is lines that look like this. Pattern: Name phone state http://email_address Example: Joe smith 555 555 5555 FL http://myemail@gmail.com This will create a task called “Joe Smith 555 555 5555 FL and put the email address into a slot called URL. I cut and paste the phone number into Skype to make calls. (I do have the $60/year version that lets me have unlimited calls in the US and Canada. I have modified my Skype setting so that it reports my cell number as the Caller ID when I call people. I use the State info to tell me what time zone the people are in. Note; I purchased an upgrade to Skype. It lets me make calls anywhere in the US and Canada for free. I went into the settings and changed the phone number that appears to the person I’m calling. Their caller ID shows my cell phone number. Using Skype this way allows me to use a headset and is easier for me that using a cell phone to make lots of calls. When I sit in front of my computer, my hands want to be on the keyboard. Making Calls with Skype lets that happen. I can also use Skype’s “Recent Calls” list to count how many calls I’ve made today.Copy and Paste Into Notepad (or another text editor)
NOTE: Start here is you are not using AWeber. BTW You can enter prospects one at at time. You don’t have to bulk import. Use your mouse to highlight the first four columns (name, phone, region and the modified email address column we just created). If you are not using AWeber, you may copy and paste this data from somewhere else. Copy and paste into a Notepad file Manually remove spaces in long lines. Your email will wrap very long lines. RTM will see that as two lines and create two tasks. Neither one will be complete. Again you want lines that look like this John Jones 555-555-5555 CA http://his-email@gmail.com You don’t have to have the elements in this order. I just like to have the name first.RTM Email Address to Send “Tasks” to
Import Email Address #1 – Click on Settings #2 – Click on Info #3 – Copy the “Import Email Address
You need to put this into your email system as a Contact. I called mine “RTM Import”.Send Tasks to Remember the Milk
- Start an email to your RTM Import address
- Enter “inbox” in the Subject Line
- Copy and paste the contents of your Notepad into your email
- Erase any extra lines including your signature block. You are going to get one task per line, so make sure that each line is one of your leads from AWeber.
- Send the Email.
Final Preparation Steps In Remember the Milk.
The tasks will arrive in the Inbox, which is not where you want them to be. However it does let you finish your prep work. Here are my final steps.- Select ALL (will put a check mark on all of them)
- Tag them all with a tag that describes the source (e.g. solo-9-13 for a solo ad run on 9-13)
- Make them all due on a particular date.
- Move them to the LIST where you want them.
Send the Email: Subject Line Inbox
Email to Inbox #1 – Send to the email address we got from Settings –> Info #2 – The word in the Subject Line indicates which Tab to put the tasks in #3 – Wrapped lines will show up as two tasks. It is best to not have any of these!Once The Tasks are in Remember the Milk
Select All – Tag – Due Date Not shown – Click on the Inbox LIST on the left #1 – Click on ALL (this will check the boxes for all the entries) #2 – See the checks and the lines turn yellow background #3 – Click on the little icon beside the work “Tag” and enter a code for the source of these leads. #4 – Enter a date – it will be added to all of the leads. You can enter something like “Wed” and RTM knows that is Wednesday and RTM will find the date. There are lots of other things I can do with RTM. This just scratches the surface, but it is a pretty good scratch 🙂Remember the Milk was not designed to be a CRM tool, but it does pretty well.
Until next time, you have a Great Day! Oh Hale Yes! 🙂

Thank you for putting so much into this post Hale. I went a spent the time to play around with RTM based on your article here. I have set it up, just with the free version so far as a CRM. I like the versatility of RTM to be able to add your own tabs, etc.
Thanks once again for your great advice about good tools to use. Hope to catch you again on the small group webinar.
Ross Freiberg recently posted..Why Do We Need To Do Business Planning?
I’m glad you like it. I’d love for it to have a “more professional” name, but it sure does the work.
Talk to you Thursday (errr make that Friday for you 🙂 )
Dr. Hale