Basic AWeber Training – Basic Squeeze Pages
Today we are going to create basic squeeze pages so that we can add leads to the lists we created in an earlier post (Start by Creating Lists). If you are arriving late ( 😈 ), the last post (adding emails to AWeber) and the first one on lists talked about automatically adding your leads to a second list and the first post in this series talked about what AWeber (an autoresponder) is and why it is important. We talked about the four Major Components and listed the steps you will go through.
One more time I want to mention that AWeber’s tutorial videos are excellent. They give you good information, I just didn’t get the overview that I’m trying to give you here. I also have used their support email system. I almost always get a very prompt and useful response. They are real professionals.
There are lots of ways to use AWeber. I’m going to show you what works for me. Others may show you something different.
The Sales Funnel Image – All the Pieces and How They Flow
Before we go on I’d like to take a moment to look at the whole process using the funnel image.
- You drive traffic to your blog or website.
- Leads see your Ethical Bribe and are taken to a Squeeze page (or perhaps they use the email entry field in a widget. That is a kind of small squeeze page.) They enter their email address into an AWeber Sign Up Form.
- Filling out the Web Form adds the lead to one of your lists. (If you are using the system I described, it actually adds them to two of your lists.)
- Once they are on your list, they begin to receive a series of follow-up emails.
- When you have interesting new information, you can send the people on your list one-time emails that are called Broadcast emails.
- In the follow-ups and the broadcasts, you present offers for your leads to invest in their future (i.e. you make sales.)
Where We are in the Walk Through
- You need a website or a blog. It is also possible to use a tab on a Facebook Fan Page.
- You need what is often called an “Ethical Bribe” This is something that you think your niche audience would see as valuable enough to trade their email address for.
- It would be VERY nice to have something to sell.THINGS YOU DO ONE TIME IN AWeber
- Create Your Main List – this is the list your will send a series of emails (drip series or follow-up series) to when people sign up for your Ethical Bribe. ( Creating Lists )
- Create a list specific to your Ethical Bribe. ( Creating Lists )
- Create a “Paid Customer” List ( Creating Lists )
- Create a day Zero follow up email in your main list. It says: “The item you requested is on the way in a separate email” Make this generic. ( Bare Minimum Follow-up emails )
- Create a day Zero follow up email in your product specific list. It says: “here is the download you requested.” ( Bare Minimum Follow-up emails ) I susggest sending your subscribers to a page to get their download. You can tell them about a One-time-offer on that page, just like you do on your Thank-You page after they subscribe to your list.
- Use the automation feature to automatically sign people up for your main list when they ask for your ethical bribe and subscribe to your ethical bribe specific list. ( Creating Lists )
- Create a series of emails that will go out to people who respond to your ethical bribe offer.
- Create a Squeeze page or a Widget in your blog where you offer your ethical bribe. (Simple Squeeze Page and Build a Widget)
- Create a Thank You Page in your website or blog where you Thank the person for asking for your material AND OFFER THEM SOMETHING ELSE, something with a price tag.
- Create or Find a nice button to use on your AWeber Web From. (Create a Cool Button)
- Create a Web Form in AWeber. The Web Form will be at the very least a place for the person to put their email address and a SUBMIT button. AWeber provides you with the HTML code to insert into your Squeeze page or Widget. When people enter their email and press submit, the information is sent to AWeber and the person is automatically added to your list. ( Create a Web Form , Simple Squeeze Page and Create a Cool Button )
- Paste the HTML code into your Squeeze page and or widget. ( Simple Squeeze Page ) THINGS YOU DO REGULARLY IN AWeber
- Send one time Broadcast messages to your list when something new and unusual or useful happens.
- Check the Statistics. ( Basic Reports )
Plugins – I Recommend
There are five plugins that I use regularly when I am working on Squeeze Pages.
- WP Hide Page – allows me to hide a page from Google. I do NOT want people seeing this page when they browse around my website.
- Duplicate Post – this allows me to take an existing page and copy it. It is often much easier to modify an existing page than it is to start with a blank screen.
- TinyMCE Advanced – this is an advanced Editor. It allows me to use Tahoma Font with large text size and red colored text. It has lots of other features, but those are the ones I use here.
- WordPress SEO by Joost – This is a top notch plugin that goes you a place to enter your SEO Title and the Meta data that Google displays when you show up in a search. In this case I need it when I look at pages in WordPress. I leave the Title Field empty so I REALLY need the SEO title to be filled in.
- Toggle The Title – This lets you enter information into the Title line inside WordPress and NOT show the title line when a page is displayed.
- As of WordPress 3.9, you will need the CKEditor plugin if you plan to edit pages with AWeber HTML code in it. (See Problems Created by WordPress for AWeber Forms) You need to click on the CKEditor menu near the bottom of the left column menu in WordPress and click on the Advanced options. Find the Output formatting and uncheckk all but the top check box. Scroll down and click the Update Options Button. You only need to do this one.
Creating a Simple Squeeze Page
I’m going to try to give you two things at once here. How to create your first Squeeze page and how to create your second, third, fourth, etc.
Create Your First Squeeze Page
Login to your WordPress Site. First go to your List of Plugins and activate the CKEditor and deactivate the TinyMCE Advanced editor.
Note: If you start to edit the page with the TinyMCE editor (either the WordPress default or the Advanced version) active you will see your AWeber form lose it’s shape and color. I suggest you click on the Plugins Menu option and “leave the page” without saving, Now after you activate the CKEditor, you can go into HMTL mode and you will find that the section right after the <– AWeber Web Form Generator 3.0 –> has been commented out. You wil see <!– Style… Remove the <!– and use Ctrl-F (or Cmd-F) to find the corresponding –> and remove that too.
Now click on the Pages –> Add New Page button. You will see a blank page. On that page we are going to fill in some basic information. After the first time, we will be able to copy an existing squeeze page just modify the existing information.
As I said. the first time we do this, the screen will be empty. Here is a check list that should help.
I use the following template. Insert this in TEXT or HTML mode.
**** Begin Template ***
<div align=”center“<!--- This centers the entire page since the </div> is the last command --!>
<table width=”700″> <!— This creates a table and sets the width to 700 pixels. You can change that –!>
<tbody> <!— Tables start with a body command –!>
<tr> <!— start a new row –!>
<th colspan=”2″> <!— Start a header cell that is two columns wide –!>
put all of your pre-headlines, headlines, bullets here.
</th> <!--- End the Header cell --!>
</tr> <!--- End the first row - This might be several lines worth of text and images --!>
<tr> <!--- start a new row --!>
<td width=”30%”> <!--- start a new cell, for your image, and make it 30% of the table - AWeber likes LOTS of space --!>
put your image here
</td> <!-- End the first cell --!>
<td> <!-- start the 2nd cell of row 2 --!>
put your AWeber code here
</td> <!--- end the second cell of row 2 --!>
</tr> <!--- end the second row --!>
</body> <!--- end the body --!>
</table> <!--- end the table --!>
</div> <!--- end the centering --!>
<!--- You can put more text here - bulleted benefits perhaps --!>
<p> </p> <!-- blank lines to drive the disclaimer, privacy, etc links off the first page --!>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
***** end template ****
- The title should be descriptive, it won’t be shown. (We do not want the BLACK title with a black bar beside it at the top of our squeeze page.) I use things like NT AWeber Magic Squeeze Page – No Blog Header. The NT stands for “No Title.” I might have four or five of the same squeeze pages with small variations.
- Click the check box (remove the check) near the bottom of the right hand panel that says “Display the Title”
- Be sure to edit permalink right below the empty Title box. (Also be sure to press OK when you are done. I forget this too often.)
- If you have a choice of Page Layout Templates, choose one that does have your menu at the top and no sidebars. Google and Facebook are both getting picky about their ads. They want to see that there is a real website dedicated to your topic behind your squeeze page. Being able to look around the blog satisfies this requirement. (This is different than a few years ago, where blank pages where the norm.) If you are going to use the squeeze page for solo ads, you can choose a template that does NOT have your header and your menu.
- You may want a pre-header – often highlighted in yellow. This will say something like “Attention: AWeber Users!”
- Use “Tahoma” as the Font, Size 7 as the size and Red as the color.
- Write a compelling Title Line in the Text.
- Make sure you fill in the SEO Title Line below the edit area.
- Turn Off any Social Bookmarking plugins that you can.
- Be sure you have click the “Hide Post” option to hide the post. (I also click “Remove from Search”. You don’t want people searching your site to see old pages that you aren’t using.)
- Place an arrow on your page pointing at the opt-in box. (Many times it is easier to create one image that has your eBook cover and the arrow you want. You can use or PowerPoint and save the slide using “Save As” – choose .png file. See below.)
- Edit the HTML “line-height” to .7 if there is too much space between the lines of your headline.
- If you have trouble centering things try this. Change the editor to TEXT and find the area you want to center put this code before it <div style=”text-align: Center;”> and put </div>after the section you want centered. WordPress usually leaves this command alone. It will delete the older <center> </center> commands if you try to use them. It also sometimes ignores its own CENTER button.
- Have an Image on your page.
- Be minimalistic here.
Font, Size, Title, Arrow and Image.
#1 – Permalink that needs to change to reflect what the Squeeze Page is about (I use the word “Offer” in this link).
#2 – Pick a Font (Tahoma or Verdanna are good)
#3 – Font Size
#4 – Highlighted are to be set to the font and size (usually shown with Yellow background)
#5 – Headline (Note that the Line-height needs to be fixed here) 4 and 5 are in the Top Cell
#6 – The Image and arrows (combined into one image). This is in row 2 cell 1.
#7 – AWeber HTML code. This is in row 2 cell 2.
You can see several of the items from the checklist in the image above.
Permalink and changing the line-height.
Here you can see we are editing the permalink, change the line-height and adding a CENTER command. I didn’t show the </div> further down the page.
Edit the SEO Title
Since this is a copy, there already a title called “Snippet Preview” This shows what Google will display if you are found by a search engine. (We don’t want to be found, in this case.) We fill in the correction beside SEO Title and when we update the post the Snippet Title will change.
Hiding the Post and Turning Off Social Book Marking Plugins
Down on the right side there are two areas we need to take care of. One hides the post (added by the WP Hide Post plugin.) The image shows the checkmark to include the page in the Search checked. It is your choice here. I’ve found I prefer to have it unchecked. The other will vary depending upon which social bookmarking plugin you are using.
Insert Image
Insert your image in the template in the second row, cell number 1.
Insert Sign Up Form
Insert the HTML sign up form in Row 2 Cell number 2.
AWeber Sign Up Form
Until we enter the Sign Up Form, the only thing we are missing is the area where people put their email address in. When you work on a copy for your second squeeze page, you will have one, but it will go to the wrong list. We will create this “Sign Up Form” in another post.
Create Your Second Squeeze Page
All we are going to do here is get to a page we can edit in a different way. The advantage is that this one already has information in it and all of the special items are already turned off.. Of course the first time you do this you won’t be able to use this method.
Login to your WordPress site and find a Squeeze Page I call them “Offer Pages” in the SEO titles so that I can search for them and see them when I look at the list of pages. Until I started using the Toggle The Title plugin, I did not fill in the TITLE field, the SEO Title becomes very important for page management. If you use the small plugin called Toggle The Title, you CAN fill in the TITLE field and toggle the Title field off so that it does not display. This is highly desirable since it helps you find your squeeze pages in your WordPress back office.
Find a Squeeze Page You Like and Clone it
Yon can see on the left that this page has (No Title). This is what LOTS of my squeeze pages looked liked before I started using Toggle the Title plugin. This means that we really need the SEO Title on the right. The biggest arrow points at the CLONE option. This was added by the Duplicate Post Plugin.
After We Press Clone We Have Two Copies – One is a Draft
You can see on the right that the names are identical. BTW I use the Search box that is right about those two arrows to help me find the duplicate copies. On the left you can see the word DRAFT on one of the posts. That is the one that we are going to edit.
The Copy We Edit Looks Just Like the Original.
For all of your squeeze pages after the first one, you can just swap out the pre-headline, the headline, the image and the AWeber Sign Up code.
One Final Tip
Many of my most recent squeeze pages have been for Solo Ads, JV Giveaways or Funnel Clicks. I have not been putting the blog header and menu on these pages. Recently have have started either inserting the image from my blog header or the graphic “Dr Hale” from my blog header in the squeeze page. I want people to start to recognize my web site and my emails (which also use these images) from the very beginning. Since I am just using the blog header image, there are no menu options which might entice Leads to wander off from the offer. Here is an example:
Your Thank You Page is EXTREMELY VALUABLE Space
I’ve mentioned the Thank You Page a couple of times. I want to make sure that you don’t ignore the true value of this page. Your leads have just taken action. They are in a good place. Offer them something: A One Time Offer (OTO), an upsell, another product, something, anything! 🙂
You need to create a Thank You Page using the same steps I showed you above. Here is the top of one of mine:
Notice that this is generic. It will work for almost any of my Ethical Bribe eBooks. I have special Thank You Pages for some offers, but most of them use this generic page.
Generic Thank You Page
Again, you need to create this page now and create the Pretty-Link that points to it. You will need it when you create the Web Form in AWeber.
BTW – the big WAIT was created in PowerPoint and a screen capture created an image that was inserted here. This is very useful. You can have material that looks like text (for example bullet lists with check marks for the bullets) when in fact they are screen capture images you created in some other tool.
Download Pages
When I originally started creating squeeze pages and Thank You pages, I would put a link directly to the eBook PDF file in my email. I realized that I was wasting an opportunity to ask the subscriber to buy something or to give them some tips or a valuable video. Now I copy the Thank You Page and put a download link where the “Check Your Email ….” line is. This gives them a second shot at my offer.
ARROWS for you.
Here are the links to three of the arrows I use. You are welcome to copy and add them to your blog or website.
There are much fancier ways to create Squeeze Pages. Themes like Optimize Press and the expensive Plugins like Premise do a bang up job. Here I have described a simple squeeze page that should work in any theme.
FREE Call To Action Buttons – Coming Next
In the next post I am going to take a short detour and give you a way to create buttons like the “Get Free Access” Button. It is easy and it is free. (I’m giving you a “Get Free Access” button, but is you want “Download Now” or “Get Free Coaching” or “Click to Join” or any of a hundred others Call To Actions, I’ll show you have to create them.
I hope you enjoyed the adding a Basic Squeeze Page.
Until next time, you have a Great Day!
↓ ↓ If this post gave you some ideas – Go ahead & comment below. ↓ ↓
Hale Pringle – Hale Yes!
Skype hale.pringle
P.S. If you are working to move your business online and it all seems overwhelming, I can help! Take a look at, or sign up for the free coaching call. You can email me or give me a Skype call. I’ll give you the benefit of my years of experience and many thousands of dollars in training and searching the rabbit hole called Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. I can help you with Lead Generation, the feeling of overwhelm, blogging, and even career change. Add that to the finest mentoring on the Internet (Ann Sieg’s Team and Inner Circle) and you have a Winner!
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Dr. Hale